There are 3 repositories under watson-tone-analyzer topic.
A chatbot for banking that uses the Watson Assistant, Discovery, Natural Language Understanding and Tone Analyzer services.
An application that monitors a Twitter feed and determines customer sentiment using IBM Watson Assistant, Tone Analyzer, Natural Language Understanding, as well as CloudantDB
Extract Textual insights from Video
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode. A Node app that use Watson Visual Recognition, Speech to Text, Natural Language Understanding, and Tone Analyzer to enrich media files.
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
Admin Dashboard to monitor and analyze chats
Use Advanced NLP and Tone Analyser to extract textual insights
An iOS application in Swift which analyzes the emotion and tone of natural language
IBM Cloud (Bluemix) のライト・アカウントで作成可能なチャットボット・アプリケーションのサンプルコードをご紹介します。 お客様の顔色(感情)を読み取り、対応内容を変化させるシナリオを想定しています。チャットボットのフレームワークにIBM Watson Conversationサービス、感情の分析にIBM Watson Tone Analyzerサービスを利用します。IBM Cloudライト・アカウントの登録はこちらから。
Team - Brogrammers. Won cash prize of INR 20000 at GE Healthcare Challenge
In this code pattern we provide a full roadmap for how to sign up with the salesforce platform and access Watson APIs via the Watson Salesforce SDK.
Placed 2nd at Cognitive Builder Faire NYC
# WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: > This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
HR Assitant - analyse jobs and job applications with IBM Watson
Smart Mirror app predicting and suggesting cloth items.
A web-app for news junkies who want real-time feedback on trending topics.
A Web Application for T9 Hackathon. Won Best Hack to Reduce Online Harassment.
A Twitter client that blocks out fake news and negativity
A music app that suggests a curated playlist of songs according to user's taste and opinions in music from sentiment analysis of Twitter activity and user's app usage pattern written in Python with Kivy front-end
An app that helps you write cover letters better than our president can write tweets. For the 2017 Mobile Monday API First Hackathon
Using IBM Watson's Tone Analyzer, this simple Python script analyzes a Tweet for it's mood, such as anger, sadness, etc.
TJBot befriends comes classic monsters
IBM Watson Chatbot to demonstrate how a user's emotional tone can be used to provide more tailored and empathetic responses by integrating Watson Assistant & Watson Tone Analyzer Services.
Realtime human and bot assistant
A study was done to find correlations between the user's personality and lyrics of favourite songs.
💭 sentiment analysis bot.
Gumberoo's API is built on Python and Django. Gumberoo is a website for elementary school educators inspired by the education learning experience during the pandemic of 2020.
IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding Model used to determine sentiment of posts
A fully working Flask API that uses IBM Watson's tone analyzer to index hotel review tones to a Elastic Search.