There are 0 repository under cloudant topic.
CouchDB - curated meta resources & best practices list
Node libary to stream CouchDB changes into PostgreSQL
Discover dark data in videos with IBM Watson and IBM Cloud Functions
This project walks through how you can create recommendations using Apache Spark machine learning. There are a number of jupyter notebooks that you can run on IBM Data Science Experience, and there a live demo of a movie recommendation web application you can interact with. The demo also uses IBM Message Hub (kafka) to push application events to topic where they are consumed by a spark streaming job running on IBM BigInsights (hadoop).
An application that monitors a Twitter feed and determines customer sentiment using IBM Watson Assistant, Tone Analyzer, Natural Language Understanding, as well as CloudantDB
Powerful authentication for APIs and apps using CouchDB (or Cloudant) with Node >= 14
IBM Data Engineering Courses from Coursera
Use Watson Visual Recognition and Core ML to create a Kitura-based iOS game that has a user search for a predetermined list of objects
A sample iOS app for image tagging and face detection built with IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk
This repo contains the code for a cloud-hosted Django web app for a fake car dealership.
A faceted search engine and content API.
Advanced CLI for CouchDB server
A simple command-line shell that allows you to interact with CouchDB/Cloudant as if it were a Unix file system
SQL to Mango (Cloudant Query) JSON converter library
Sample and tutorial to help you get started with a Java EE app, REST API and a database.
Smart Email Support for Telecom Organisations - Provide automated customer support for emails
Blue Cloud Mirror - IBM Cloud Technology Showcase
A Watson powered conversational bot for small businesses
An Offline First PWA built with Preact and PouchDB/Cloudant
CouchDB backup and restore command-line utility.
An autonomous cloud based web scraper
Web-based chatbot for finding events/sessions at conferences
This application demonstrates how the Watson Conversation service can be used to build a simple on-board telco chat application
Serverless Web Applications on the IBM Cloud with Apache OpenWhisk
A smart bracelet for preventing harassment.
This Node-RED flow is for absolute beginners with minimal programming knowledge. Covering saving data, search for data and display data in a UI.
StackOverflow data ingest actions for IBM Cloud Functions