There are 0 repository under vovnet topic.
[CVPR 2020] CenterMask : Real-time Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation
[CVPR 2020] CenterMask : Real-Time Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation
[CVPR 2020] VoVNet backbone networks for detectron2
Efficient 3D Backbone Network for Temporal Modeling
[MICCAI'23] Official implementation of "RCS-YOLO: A Fast and High-Accuracy Object Detector for Brain Tumor Detection".
FCOS with VoVNet(CVPRW'19) backbone networks
VoVNet backbone Networks, CVPR2019, CEFRL
VoVNet, MobileNet, ShuffleNet, HarDNet, GhostNet, EfficientNet backbone networks and SKU-110K dataset for detectron2
Toolbox for vision tasks. Pre-trained vision backbones on ImageNet with PyTorch Lightning 🚀
Detectron with VoVNet(CVPRW'19) backbone networks
Detectron with VoVNet : select the vovnet branch
⭐⭐⭐ Pytorch implementation of Attentiom, Backbone, ViT, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, very flexible module combination.