There are 9 repositories under vocabulary topic.
Ungreedy subword tokenizer and vocabulary trainer for Python, Go & Javascript
List of Russian words
PHP Model Scaffolding from and other RDF vocabularies
VocabHunter helps learners of foreign languages find vital new vocabulary to study.
Code for ICLR 2024 (Spotlight) paper "MAPE-PPI: Towards Effective and Efficient Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction via Microenvironment-Aware Protein Embedding"
📚 A lightweight online dictionary integration to the command line. No browsers. No paperbacks.
30,000 most common English words with Chinese dictionary explanations in order of frequency.
فهرست معادلهای پرکاربرد فارسی و نزدیک به فارسی در یو اکس رایتینگ
Storing ontologies/vocabularies from the web. Wish anybody can translate some of them.
A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources for heritage, humanities and art history practitioners.
jiten - japanese android/cli/web dictionary based on jmdict/kanjidic — 日本語 辞典 和英辞典 漢英字典 和独辞典 和蘭辞典
An integrated environment to support collaborative ontology / vocabulary development in distributed settings
A personal project to help me retain information from books
IELTS General Study Material
Cross-platform dictionary and vocabulary building command line tool
Chatbot for searching vocabulary on mainstream dictionaries
💯 Show words as Danmaku on the screen to help you remember them | 把单词变成屏幕上的弹幕来帮助你记住单词
Zazuko's Default Ontologies & Prefixes
🔍 🔎 For English Learners
The Public Health Environmental Surveillance Open Data Model (PHES-ODM, or ODM). A data model, dictionary and support tools for environmental surveillance.
An app to help you build your vocabulary. This app contains 800+ curated GRE words
Mobi is a decentralized, federated, and distributed graph data platform for teams and communities to publish and discover data, data models, and analytics that are instantly consumable.
A suite of language tools
Analyzes the given text and determine what's the vocabulary level based on CEFR levels
List of resources for learning English
Milkyway-Cloze: Practice Cloze With Any Text []