There are 1 repository under virtual-memory-management topic.
A direct dynamic memory allocation API for jMonkeyEngine lwjgl-2 and android games
Archive of assignments done in Operating System Course.
Multithreaded usermode virtual memory manager state machine
The Cython Virtual Memory Toolkit is designed to provide Cython header files (*.pxd) for various functionalities, enabling Cython to interact with the virtual memory of a target process. This toolkit includes features for reading, writing, allocating, and freeing virtual memory.
Prototype of a virtual memory administration system that simulates process behavior according to available resources
"Implementation of Virtual Memory available in operating systems"
Simulador de Paginação lúdico para ensinar conceitos de memória virtual para iniciantes no assunto com Python, Tkinter e Custom Tkinter
Memory management simulation using FIFO, LRU, CLOCK and OPTIMAL replacement
Implementing various algorithms related to operating systems concepts
This is a program written in python that simulates a limited version of an operating system's page table.
Designing Virtual Memory Unit in C and using LRU, MRU replacement techniques for page replacement
Simulated virtual memory manager with paging, and simulated operations for each of the following page replacement algorithms: LIFO, MRU, LRU, LFU, OPT-X, and WS. There will be 6 sets of output from these 6 runs.
This project simulates virtual memory and Page Replacement Algorithms(FIFO and Optimal) given a input file. It is implemented in C language, with cmake and make build automations.
Modification of XV6 Operating System
A simple program for virtual memory management.
CS342 Operating Systems – Spring 2023 Project #4 – Physical and Virtual Memory Information
Programa em C que simula o funcionamento do gerenciamento de memória virtual em um sistema operacional.
A memory simulator that uses several virtual memory techniques to handle multiple processes. Final project for the operating systems course.
Simulation For demand Paging
운영체제 과목 프로젝트