BrandoZhang / Operating-System

Archive of assignments done in Operating System Course.

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This is an archive of my assignments done in Operating System Course (CSC 3150) in 2018 Fall Term. I publish my work after finishing this course for several reasons:

  1. I hope my implementation can inspire someone to come up with a better solution, but not encourage anyone to directly copy it. So any issue to discuss the implementation is welcome;
  2. It is a record of what I've achieved in that semester. I may review some part of the programs in the future.


  1. Kernel-Mode Programming

  2. Multi-Thread Programming

  1. Virtual Memory Management

  2. File-System

  3. I/O System


Archive of assignments done in Operating System Course.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 60.1%Language:Cuda 31.6%Language:C++ 5.2%Language:Makefile 2.3%Language:Shell 0.9%