There are 0 repository under uniqid topic.
An invoice generator which allows users to keep track of their payments, send emails to clients and can even pay through the stripe payment service
Memory test application created using React and Tailwind
My Personal Porfolio website created using NextJs and nodemailer
Week-11 Challenge (express.js): This application was built as a space for users to write and save notes. Keeping you thoughts and tasks organized.
Creating a Mind Map for Data Visualization using GridDB, Reactflow, and ExpressJs
a feature-rich application that allows users to create itineraries by placing markers and descriptions on a google map. built with react on the front and firebase on the back.
This application is for writing, saving, and deleting notes. It uses an Express.js backend and saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.
Homework for UNC Boot Camp. UI code provided, wrote backend. Created express server, designed routes, utilized uniqid and FS modules. App allows users to create and delete notes. Data stored in JSON file on server.
Week 11 Challenge: Express.js Note-Taking Application This software solution has been developed to provide users with a dedicated platform for creating and storing notes. It offers an efficient way to maintain and organize thoughts and tasks.
a photo tagging game reminiscent of where's waldo. a NoSQL database via firebase's firestore is leveraged to validate targets and to store user times for the leaderboard.
MERN Ecommerce Carpets Shop (Back-end)
Full-stack application demonstrates MVC Paradigm, RESTful API, GET and POST Routes, express-session, cookies, and API Keys.
This is a website made with teachers in mind as it helps manage online classes with work assignment, sharing links for forms or google meet etc.
Chat App
LinkStack simplifies link management with a personalized landing page, effortlessly organizing and sharing multiple links. Plus, it includes analytical graphs for daily click analysis on account and links, empowering users with valuable insights into audience engagement.
hall booking api
Hall Booking API to Create rooms, book rooms, for listing all the rooms and customers with Booking data.
This project is an application called Note Taker that can be used to write and save notes. This application uses an Express.js back end and will save and retrieve note data from a JSON file.
Realtime resume buidling application created with React
A simple and convenient note taking app that allows the user to organize their notes and keep track of tasks at hand. With the ability to write, save and delete notes to better organize your tasks!
This simple, yet powerful note taking application will help keep your mind on track throughout the day.
a programmer's rite-of-passage: the todo list. a CRUD application that is built entirely with vanilla javascript.
This application uses an Express.js back-end to store and retrieve notes created by the user.
Student Project
HTML, CSS, JS, React, Express.Js, MongoDB, Node.js, Mongoose,
A Payment Gateway API System
Paypal Project - Rest Api for Product Mgt System using Node.js as Framework
An app for writing and saving notes on tasks to complete later. Deployed to Heroku. Back-end built with Express.js.
This is a website where you can save and delete your daily notes, so you can organize your thoughts and keep track of tasks to be completed.