There are 0 repository under techfest topic.
Prajwalan 22 official website, organized by Government College of Engineering, Amravati
The official Android app for Cognitia 2018, the Annual Technical Fest of NIT Meghalaya
The annual national level techno – managerial – cultural extravaganza of KMCT College of Engineering.
My Solutions for Programming questions
Sambhav'23 is One of the Largest Technical festival of Pune. Let's make a Tech move.
Official website of Cyberanya 2023 - Annual Technical Fest Organised by BCA Department of @LND-College-Motihari
Official Website for the Pravidhi'22 - Unleash the future. The Annual Techfest of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Bengaluru
MUCHAS is a crowd-pulling, aggregator platform for local retailers and store-keepers to send notifications about their latest offers and products when their future customer enters into their specified radius.
TECHSTORM, the official technical fest of B. P. Poddar Institute of Management and Technology has been promoting innovation in the technical community for over a decade. This year, in 2025, celebration of the 12th edition of TECHSTORM goes larger than life.
TECHSTORM, the official technical fest of B. P. Poddar Institute of Management and Technology has been promoting innovation in the technical community for over a decade. This year, in 2025, celebration of the 12th edition of TECHSTORM goes larger than life.
Engineer is the Annual Technical Symposium of NITK Surathkal and is one of the largest of its kind in India.
A College Techfest Website Template using TypeScript, Next.JS, Tailwind CSS and Splider.JS
This repo contains the resources used during "Running Automated Acceptance Tests On Rancher" presentation at Cluj TechFest 2017.
Official app of Orion'19 - Thapar Institute's Tech Fest
Official website for Xpecto '25, IIT Mandi. The greatest fest in the Himalayas.
This is PHP based Technical Festival + Cultural Festival Management Website which Provides Start to End Support for Managing Technical Festival as well as Cultural Festival.
all about our project for 2019 IIT Techfest organized by IIT Bombay
LFR which auto sets its PID value using the Zig Nicholas Method (ongoing)
Official website for Jnanagni 2017 - FET, GKV's Annual Techfest
Leaderboard for Selfie contest hosted by our college in Facebook page.
official website of aavartan-2018 (Techfest of NITRR)
Code for GridWarrior Competition, Techfest (IIT Bombay)
Annual Tech fest landing page
Cepheus 23 - College Tech Fest Coding Events Repository - This repository contains the code submissions and results for various coding events conducted during the Cepheus 23 tech fest at our college. We participated in multiple coding events, including algorithmic coding Round, Cp Rounds, CTF , Debugging Rounds etc.
Sync air conditioner and IR ceiling fan to achieve consistent ambience and reduce power consumption. Created this project as a participant in Techfest'22, IIT Bombay.
graVITas 2k22 #techfest. The project won the first prize in the competition