There are 2 repositories under scopus-api topic.
Python-based API-Wrapper to access Scopus
A Powerful Versatile Omni Search inside Emacs
h-index-reader is a module that allows you to retrieve author's h-index information from different sources including Google Scholar.
Easiest way to get your bibliometrics data ready and prepared
:bookmark_tabs: SeSG (Search String Generator): A approach that uses text mining to build search strings for secondary studies.
Unofficial PHP SDK for the Scopus APIs
Open-source tool in Python for generating a list of relevant articles from Scopus on a user-defined topic
BibexPy is a Python-based software designed to streamline bibliometric data integration, deduplication, metadata enrichment, and format conversion. It simplifies the preparation of high-quality datasets for advanced analyses by automating traditionally manual and error-prone tasks.
Scripts, queries and additional data used in a network analysis of the privacy research community's internal bibliometric record.
A workshop on using data science skills and APIs to to assist with library collections assessment
This is the Implementation for Automatic Review Support System.
Una herramienta de búsqueda y síntesis de artículos de investigación escrita en Python.
NoveltyChecker is a powerful tool for assessing the novelty score of research manuscripts based on their titles and abstracts.
Artigo produzido na discplinada de Macroeconomia 2 no Doutorado de Economia da UERJ em conjunto com a Prof.Dr. Daiane Santos.
Simple API that parses information from Google Scholar and Scopus scholarly literatures.
Our main project goals include trying to achieve a way for all researchers to be able to find and contact other researchers that are working on or have worked on the same field of study as them. The project goals also include trying to ensure that the RPS database can be scraped in order to find all papers that are linked to the search field used that can then be used to find all related researchers.
Displays information about a researcher by elsevier author api, if Scopus Researcher Id is known
Automates the initial steps of the PRISMA statement by generating search strings, using them to search Scopus, and then saving screened results to an Excel sheet.
Community network analysis of the Science for Sustainability theme of Utrecht University
finds Scopus H-index from AuthorId