There are 8 repositories under openrefine topic.
OpenRefine reconciliation services for VIAF, ORCID, and Open Library + framework for creating more.
This repository has migrated to:
Shell script to run OpenRefine in batch mode (import, transform, export). It orchestrates OpenRefine (server) and a python client that communicates with the OpenRefine API.
The OpenRefine Python Client from Paul Makepeace provides a library for communicating with an OpenRefine server. This fork extends the command line interface (CLI) and is distributed as a convenient one-file-executable (Windows, Linux, Mac). It is also available via Docker Hub, PyPI and Binder.
A reconciliation service for OpenRefine serving data from a given CSV file.
Library Carpentry: OpenRefine
đź’ + đź“š OpenRefine on Binder!
UQ Library training material
RDF Transform is an extension for OpenRefine to transform data into RDF formats.
Data Cleaning with OpenRefine for Ecologists
OpenRefine for Social Science Data
OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it. This repository contains Dockerbuild files for automated builds.
DEPRECATED - no longer actively maintained. Automated workflow for harvesting, transforming and indexing of metadata using metha, OpenRefine and Solr. Part of the Hamburg Open Science "Schaufenster" software stack.
Extension for OpenRefine to support FAIR metadata
OpenRefine command-line interface written in Bash (💎+🤖). Supports batch processing (import, transform, export).
An OpenRefine extension that helps with Wikimedia Commons editing: start projects from Wikimedia Commons categories; Commons-specific GREL functions.
OpenRefine reconciliation service with Getty AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus)
Kurs "Bibliotheks- und Archivinformatik" im Studiengang Information Science der FH GraubĂĽnden
Seminar (Open) Discovery: Wir bauen uns einen Bibliothekskatalog (WS 2016/17 an der HAW Hamburg, Modulangebot Informationstechnologie für die Studiengänge Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement (BIM) und Medien und Information (MUI), Bachelor 3.-6. Semester)
đź’Ž A powerful tool for working with messy data
Seminar "Praxis der digitalen Bibliothek" (Sommersemester 2017) an der Hochschule Hannover, Studiengänge Informationsmanagement und I. berufsbegleitend an der Fakultät III - Medien, Information und Design, Bachelor 6. Semester
Kurs "Digitales Handwerkszeug fĂĽr BibliothekarInnen" an der HAW Hamburg
Glue project to combine OpenRefine and all its extensions into a Docker image.
Resources on dealing with dirty data problems and using Open Refine
Match IMDb IDs to their entries, load connected data from IMDb, use it in Wikidata
An Anaconda3 environment with relevant python libraries to support various linked data OpenRefine reconciliation scripts
Reconciliation service for Refine and FAST subject headings.
GODOT (Graph of Dated Objects and Texts) is a gazetteer for dating systems from antiquity and instances thereof.
Open Refine for Humanities
A library that provides client for interaction with the Ontotext Refine
Flask API to access the elasticsearch-data transformed by efre-lod-elasticsearch tools and use it for openrefine-reconcilation
code for converting MARC data to Wikidata statements using OpenRefine