There are 1 repository under mplabx topic.
Ja Rule is the code behind OLE, an Open Source DMX/RDM framework for PIC32 microcontrollers
12V Automatic UPS system
MM3 in modern C for the PIC12F683
Experiments with Microchip Curiosity Nano boards
This repository provides an alternative firmware for the ATU-100 EXT (7x7) antenna tuner. It uses the free available Microchip MPLAB X IDE.
XC8 based USB CDC Template for PIC18F4550 and PIC18F2550 MCUs
Wired sensor network for IoT with PIC16F1 MCU
PIC MPLABX HD44780 Library
Analog Low Frequency Oscillator Nolinear Sequencer MK-ICL8038
Examples for Explorer 16 Development Board of Microchip
Basic exercises for PIC Micro-controllers using MPLAB IDE and XC8 Compiler for PIC16F877A
Getting a pic microcontroller to talk with honda bike via kline. Goal is to extract sensor data and print it in a lcd
This mechanical PT-Symmetry-Controller project is an analog to a quantum mechanical PT-symmetric system.
PIC Microcontroller Build-Tool on Linux CUI
This is the firmware for the PIC18F2520 microcontroller on the ATU-100 "EXT" antenna tuner board.
MPLAB X v.6.0 - XC8 PIC ASSEMBLER (pic-as) porting of DL4YHF Frequency Counter project based on PIC16F628A (0 - 50Mhz)
DS1307 RTC examples for OpenLab platform- PIC18F4550
Repository for CENG336 - Introduction to Embedded Systems Development homeworks.
Projects I made in Introduction to Microcomputers. I use MPLAB X IDE v5.20 for my projects.
Libreria para el control de LCD en PIC16F877A
Software which can read MIFARE/FeliCa cards through a card reader and execute commands to a MCU through Serial and USB communications.
a collection of common libraries for PIC24 microcontrollers
Código feito em linguagem C com o compilador XC8 para demonstração da placa PICGenios do simulador PICSimLab.
Software and firmware for the Karatelight 8/16 channel RGB LED Dimmer
PWM examples for OpeLab platform - PIC18F4550 based
Examples for PIC18F4550 SD Card interfacing examples
GitHub Action to build a project with MPLAB X and XC8.
Open source system for smart home
Adding an AirQuality sensor (MikroE click based on the MQ-135) to the PIC-IOT WG board, streaming data to the Google IoT Cloud
Adding an OLED display (MikroE OLED_W click) to the PIC-IOT WG board, displaying data from the Google IoT Cloud
Porting to the PIC24EP MIkromedia of all the example projects for the "Graphics, Touch, Sound and USB" book.
Clock and Calendar monitor using PIC18F4550 and DS1307 RTC and communication via I2C and UART.
Project in c programming language to toggle led by using Timer1 and user can adjust the led can turn on, turn off, toggle as he or she desire from application.c the c source file.