medHalim / PIC18F4550-DS1307-I2C-UART

Clock and Calendar monitor using PIC18F4550 and DS1307 RTC and communication via I2C and UART.

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Real Time Clock Monitor Project

Clock and Calendar monitor using PIC18F4550 and DS1307 RTC and communication via I2C and UART.

Project Overview

The project consist of a transmitter PIC18F4550 and a receiver one. The Transmitter microcontroller collects RTC Data through I2C, while the receiver microcontroller gets the RTC Data through UART and decodes it into a redable clock with a calendar that is shown in a 16x2 LCD.

The project was simulated in Proteus v8.10 SP3 and works fine but with a high CPU usage.




Clock and Calendar monitor using PIC18F4550 and DS1307 RTC and communication via I2C and UART.


Language:C 75.5%Language:Makefile 18.0%Language:Shell 6.5%