There are 2 repositories under mapserver topic.
Source code of the MapServer project. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
Minetest realtime mapserver, written in go
Scripts to generate MapServer mapfiles based on OpenStreetMap data. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
EOxServer is a Python application and framework for presenting Earth Observation (EO) data and metadata.
Mapserver OGR GDAL PostGIS WMS WCS WFS with Lighttpd in Docker
Source repository for the MapServer documentation, for the live website. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
Bicycle Master Plan is a bike map that allows visualizing cycling related data from different sources in multiple layers. Built heavily around data from OpenStreetMap, it allows full visual customization using CSS.
OpenLabs GeoPortal (Municipality of Tirana)
Alternative PHP-Mapscipt for PHP7 derivated from PHP5-Mapscript
:whale: Docker Boilerplate for WebGIS
PHP Library to read/write MapServer mapfiles
Minetest near-realtime map-tile server
RAPID RESCUE is a web-based e-ambulance application that allows users to request emergency services, track ambulances in real-time, and manage medical profiles. It provides features for users, admins, and EMT drivers, ensuring a streamlined experience for emergency response management. Built with ASP.NET Core MVC, the platform ensures scalability,
Contoh GIS dengan Django + Postgre & Postgis_topology Extension untuk Spatial Data
Build environment to compile MapServer with Emscripten to a WebAssembly package
tiny C library to invoke mapserver engine as a library
Tyler GeoTiff Pyramid Generator and exposer
MapServer Suite Web Administration Interface
MapServer Mapfile keywords colorization for Visual Studio 2017 text editor
GeoMet mapfile is a system to manage MapServer configurations to access to the Environment and Climate Change Canada's Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) open data, including raw numerical weather prediction (NWP) model data layers and the weather radar mosaic, via Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards such as the Web Map Service (WMS). Meteorological layers are served dynamically through the Web Map Service (WMS) standard to enable end-users to display meteorological data within their own tools, on interactive web maps and in mobile apps.
This python package will enable you to generate a shapefile TileIndex for MapServer. This TileIndex can be generated for any number of dimension.
Format for reading XML WFS Describe Feature Type data
tiny python library to invoke mapserver engine as a library
Generate HTML feature-info templates for Mapserver from GPKG
cBook is an opensource plartform written in django and node js where authors get to upload their books, poems and articles and get paid
A PHP library to read and write into a MapFile (MapServer)