nextgis / nextgisweb_mapserver

NextGIS Web and MapServer integration layer

Repository from Github https://github.comnextgis/nextgisweb_mapserverRepository from Github https://github.comnextgis/nextgisweb_mapserver

MapServer renderer for NextGIS Web


First of all, clone the repository:

$ cd package
$ git clone

Package nextgisweb_mapserver requires mapscript Python package from MapServer and it can't be installed via pip from PyPi. Thus, you must install mapscript into a virtualenv before nextgisweb_mapserver installation.

The simplest way to do this is to copy it from system-wide installation. At first, install mapscript system-wide first with a package manager. For Ubuntu you can use python3-mapscript (or python-mapscript for Python 2) package, for example:

$ apt install python3-mapscript

Then check if it's available for system Python:

$ /usr/bin/python3 -c "import mapscript; print(mapscript)"
<module 'mapscript' from '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mapscript/'>

After that copy it into the virtualenv via mapscript-to-env script from this repository and then install nextgisweb_mapserver into the virtualenv:

$ nextgisweb_mapserver/mapscript-to-env ../env/bin/python /usr/bin/python3
$ pip install -e nextgisweb_mapserver/


This program is licensed under GNU GPL v2 or any later version.

Commercial support

Need to fix a bug or add a feature to MapServer renderer for NextGIS Web? We provide custom development and support for this software. Contact us to discuss options!


NextGIS Web and MapServer integration layer

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Python 96.4%Language:TypeScript 2.7%Language:Shell 0.9%