There are 0 repository under louvain topic.
Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020)
A PyTorch implementation of "Cluster-GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks" (KDD 2019).
Library of graph clustering algorithms
Implementation of the Louvain algorithm for community detection with various methods for use with igraph in python.
An implementation of "EdMot: An Edge Enhancement Approach for Motif-aware Community Detection" (KDD 2019)
A NetworkX implementation of Label Propagation from a "Near Linear Time Algorithm to Detect Community Structures in Large-Scale Networks" (Physical Review E 2008).
Lobzik is a Gradle plugin for helping to modularise large Android codebases. It uses Louvain algorithm to analyze class dependencies and rank deduced modules based on their conductance score.
A tool for community detection and evaluation in weighted networks with positive and negative edges
The SINr approach to train interpretable word and graph embeddings
An R implementation of the Gene Frequency - Inverse Cell Frequency method for single cell data normalization
Implementation of the Louvain and Leiden community detection algorithms.
Mapping Echo Chambers In Large Networks
Probably the first scalable and open source triangle count based on each edge, on scala and spark for every Big Dataset. (Louvain)
Louvain community detection
[Work in progress] A Rust implementation of the Louvain algorithm 🎈
Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Dynamic Louvain algorithm for community detection.
Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Louvain algorithm for community detection.
This project is as part of a workshop in Analysis of Biological Networks, instructed by Prof. Roded Sharan and Shani Jacobson. The workshop aims to improve existing algorithms for community detection in networks.
Datasets used in my bachelor thesis: "Louvain-initialized Genetic Algorithms for Community Detection in Complex Networks"
Forked from . This fork attemps to fix some memory corruption bugs
🇧🇪 Leuven's data (sub-module) for EqualStreetNames project
OBSOLETE : see graphology/graphology-communities-louvain & graphology/graphology-metrics
My bachelor thesis with the title "Louvain-initialized Genetic Algorithms for Community Detection in Complex Networks"
A slim and fast reimplementation of RACCOON iterative clustering library
Repository dedicated to my project on PhenoGraph.
VISLAB - Clustering algorithm in 연구실 서버
Community Detection on a Twitter Dataset
Community detection in math department using publication data
Booking hotels recommendation chatbot on Vietnamese hotels using GraphRag
Comparing static vs dynamic approaches of the Louvain algorithm for community detection.