There are 1 repository under lagrange-polynomial-interpolation topic.
High order and sparse layers in pytorch. Lagrange Polynomial, Piecewise Lagrange Polynomial, Piecewise Discontinuous Lagrange Polynomial (Chebyshev nodes) and Fourier Series layers of arbitrary order. Piecewise implementations could be thought of as a 1d grid (for each neuron) where each grid element is Lagrange polynomial. Both full connected and convolutional layers included.
This is a Git repository containing code for a numerical analysis lab using Fortran and MATLAB
If you find any errors in the work of algorithms, you can fix them by creating a pull request
Input a few integers of a series and it will return the source code to output that series till the nth term..
Numerical analysis algorithms
A repository containing implementations of various numerical methods written in Python
Basic Shamir's secret sharing implementation in golang
very basic android java app that compute the lagrange interpolation between multiples points
Lagrange Polynomial interpolation in C
Implementation of Lagrange polynomial interpolation with C++
OPD Profect application for students - Numerical methods app, which includes solving nonliear equations, integrals, interpolation, differential equations, systems of linear equations
Codes for diffferent Numerical methods
Solución a problemas utilizando tecnicas numericas
Numerical Methods Project - semester 4
Python package to solve a nonlinear differential equation with a spectral collocation method based on a barycentric Lagrange interpolation.
Практическое задание по предмету "Введение в численные методы" (ВМК МГУ 2 курс, 3 семестр)
A project to visualize Langrage Polynomial Interpolation for Space Time Calculations
Implementation of modular arithmetic in C
Projeto para conclusão da disciplina de Cálculo Numérico Computacional no curso de Engenharia de Computação da Universidade Potiguar
Contains implementation of some numerical analysis algorithms
A cryptographic hash function based on the Lagrange Polynomial.
implementation of lagrange polynomial interpolation
Univariate regression using R
Basic example methods of a few basic forms of calculation in python
Interpolate function values from a table.
PLONK Verification circuit for lagrange interpolation
Interpolate nodes using Lagrange polynomials and natural cubic splines
Efficient Lagrange interpolator, capable of handling hundreds of thousands of points. Supports Galois fields.
Lagrange interpolation
Air quality prediction using Interpolation (Lagrange, Newton's Divided Difference, Cubic Spline) for Polynomials
Este código usa o método de Interpolação de Lagrange para gerar um polinômio que aproxime uma função dada pelos pontos
ICSI 526 Homework 3 - Spring 2023 - Shamir Secret Sharing
Calculate Langrange-Interpolations in the C programming language and visualise them in gnuplot.
This project implements a simplified version of Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm to find the constant term of a polynomial using Lagrange interpolation. Given a set of points encoded in a JSON format with different bases, this tool decodes the points, performs interpolation, and calculates the constant term.