There are 8 repositories under l4d2 topic.
L4D1/2 enhancement, bug/glitch fixes, freaky-fun, and useful plugins.
The Ultimate Left 4 Dead 2 Config (autoexec) by J.
A Tool to easily create Server via SteamCMD
A repository for hosting several L4D1&2 signatures.
A Left 4 Dead 2 addon manager that supports hierarchical organization, workshop items and collections download, addon enablement management, etc.
Prometheus Exporter for SRCDS game servers, working with CSGO, CSS, GMod, HL2, L4D2 and TF2 !
Originally an extended version of Super Tanks, Mutant Tanks combines Last Boss, Last Boss Extended, and Super Tanks to grant Tanks unique powers and abilities that enhance the player experience.
Reworking Stripper:Source map changes for competitive L4D2 from scratch.
Exposes many VScript features into SourceMod
NOTE - Currently on hiatus. L4D2 Coop with improved Special Infected AI. Inspired by PenPen's HardAlways configs
Used to parse source demos.
A collection of my sourcemod plugins, most for my own server, and custom made for mostly L4D2.
Provides a fast method to convert models among eight Left 4 Dead 2 survivors.
an prometheus exporter for SRCDS based gameservers (like CSGO, TF2, L4D2, ...).
Original L4D2 maps are modified in this config. Create the Unlimited Map.
Internal base for making hacks for left 4 dead 2
Auto Bunnyhop for Left 4 Dead 2
L4D2 statistics tracking plugin & website
☢️ An up-to-date Source Server Query protocol library written in C99
Nextmod is a competitive Left 4 Dead 2 config, designed to work with Sir's 'Competitive Rework'.
A functional & easy-to-use Server Manager for Source games
A SourceMod plugin for Left 4 Dead 2 that allows you to open upgrade boxes as party/fun boxes. A big work-in-progress!