There are 1 repository under instrumental-variables topic.
Fast Estimation of Linear Models with IV and High Dimensional Categorical Variables
R package of useful functions for one-sample Mendelian randomization and instrumental variable analyses
CRAN Task View: Causal Inference
nl-causal: nonlinear causal inference based on IV regression in Python
Lecture slides, video recordings, and coding exercises from the 2024 Northwestern University Causal Inference Workshop. This repository is not affiliated with Northwestern University or the workshop.
A Stata module for an instrumental variables correlated random coefficients estimator.
Investigate how racial segregation influences urban poverty and inequality, using railroad track layouts as an instrumental variable (IV) to estimate the causal impact of segregation on poverty rates.
This is the website repository for the Stata packages lassopack & pdslasso. Please visit:
Analyze the effects of seasonal migration on household consumption and expenditures in rural Bangladesh from a randomized control trial.
R code to reproduce results of data examples in 'Selecting invalid instruments to improve MR with two-sample summary data''
Functional Generalized Empirical Likelihood Estimation for Conditional Moment Restrictions
Stata package for one-sample Mendelian randomization / instrumental variable analyses
Econometrics II workshop (2025).
2SLS IV regression with Python
This repository examines how EV charging stations affect the adoption of plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles in the U.S. using causal inference and instrumental variable methods to evaluate the NEVI Formula Program's effectiveness.
Code for an R package to implement instrumental variables procedures that are robust to many & weak instruments.
A brief workshop on two-stage least-squares regression for instrumental variable analysis
R Code That Makes up the Bulk of my Master's Paper
This assignment relates to my 8th assignment in Econ 323 - Econometrics Analysis 2. I generate new demand and supply data and use this to test different casualty methods such as TSLS, IV, and Diff-In-Diff.
This repository shows some coding my colleagues and I made for our Advanced Econometrics course for the Diploma of Specialization in Data Science for Social Sciences and Public Management - PUCP
Conducted a comprehensive research project focused on regression analysis and modeling to explore the relationship between income and education.
Jackknife instrumental variables estimation (JAE, 2010)
Econometric exploration of endogenous variables, instrumental variable approach and causality. The case study is based on data from Botswana and focuses on the relationship between education and fertility.
Inference of the Russian labour demand function for the years 1996 and 1997 estimating and testing hypothesis on OLS, Instrumental Variables, FE, RE and Pooled Panel Data Models assessing how to better build a model for our data.
Shift-Share Instrument Mixtape Track taught by Peter Hull
Two-sample two-stage least squares estimation