There are 0 repository under horizon2020 topic.
:wheelchair: Suite of open and standards-based tools for performing reliable accessibility conformance testing at scale
A call for contributions to the report of the FAIR Data Expert Group
LaTeX template for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships application (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016)
Python-based domain-specific language for computational magnetism.
Giacomo Indiveri's h2020proposal class, with many modifications
Python package for manipulating tabular data.
Utility package used across Ubermag.
CORDIS-DB-EU-Projects-Scraper scrapes information from the news section of CORDIS DB.
Python package for the analysis of micromagnetic data.
Drupal 8 Project for implememting the CLARTIY CSIS Platform.
Code for the paper "Understanding Horizon 2020 data: A knowledge graph-based approach"
CORDIS-DB-EU-Projects-Scraper scrapes information about EU Funded project from the CORDIS DB and store them in a csv/jl/json/xml file.
Redox Flow Battery modeling.
Codebase for an interactive platform hosting resources related to energy citizenship in Europe
Testing package for computational magnetism tools.
data story supporting material
Documentation (Project overview statement, budget plans, marketing plan, presentations...) and project prototype of a large and complex project eSchool Serbia. This project is part of the Horizon 2020 program according to the call for the development of innovation projects.
Using Jupyter for reproducible scientific workflows
Ubermag: Towards more effective micromagnetic workflows
Repository for the tool developers within the BIECO Research Project
Horizon EUROPE Diamond Ultra-stable, highly efficient, low-cost perovskite photovoltaics with minimised environmental impact
Software to securely facilitate student participatory research on a Moodle-based VLE for TeSLA.
Website of the TIGHTest project
The trinity_calibration package is used to calibrate the position of the Monitor Camera in the DynCoMM open-call subproject of the EU-funded Trinity project.
System used in railway traffic for tracking trains all across Europe, which allows users to track trains and train drivers to upload trains' location. This project prototype is part of the Horizon 2020 program according to the call for development of innovative projects.