There are 0 repository under hhvm topic.
PHP version of mysqldump cli that comes with MySQL
StupidlySimple Framework for PHP - MVC Framework for lazy developers
Fuzzing results for various interpreters.
Hack language & HHVM debugger support for Visual Studio Code
Docker PHP repository with various PHP related images.
[Archive] Experimental MongoDB driver for HHVM - This Repository is NOT a supported MongoDB product
PHP library to generate Swagger/OpenAPI REST API documentation files from comments in PHP source code.
Autoload classes, functions, enums, constants, and typedefs on HHVM
Some simple charts for listing CVSS by version for various packages.
How to build a web micro framework using hack, we have called it Hack-er, this initiative was born to bring more developers to be closer to hack, simplifying the first steps thought a tutorial.
Find definitions (classes, functions, etc) in PHP and Hack files
Barebones Server in HHVM using Hack . Uses Memcache and MySQL
Dockerized PHP development environment (based on LAMP stack), that include multiple PHP version
A hack library to wrap around the API
Sharesta (Strict HAck RESTful Apis) is a micro framework to build simple and easy to use rest-like applications - written in strict hack.
Begin developing HHVM/Hack Http Microframework Skeleton. Nazg is Action-Domain-Responder (ADR) Micro framework for HHVM/Hack
A dockerized Hack development environment. Useful for being able to develop Hack on Apple Silicon.