There are 1 repository under waffle topic.
An experiment to build a realtime VR visualization of Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain
Dapp starter kit using: Buidler + Waffle + TypeChain + OpenZeppelin CLI + Vue (TypeScript)
Solidity Hardhat Typescript Boilerplate
Treasure Project
Parser for Github, GitLab and Bitbucket issues actions, references and mentions
Publish ggplot2 analysis
Connect Pull Request statuses to Issues on GitHub Project (classic) boards.
Webseite des C3 Waffel Operation Center
👷🏽 Template for new Solidity projects built with Hardhat and tested with Chai 🫖
An analysis of US mass shootings data (1982 to 2019) provided by Mother Jones. Analysis done using R in RStudio, results published to HTML using RMarkdown, and styled using CSS.
starter hardhat toolchain for openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable in typescript
🛡 Linkdrop Module for Gnosis Safe Wallet
Transfer ETH💰 across the globe 🌏
Hardhat TypeScript Jest Dev Starter Kit
A simple single-page application that allows a user to receive 100 FCT or faucet tokens.
This project is a sample project to deploy and interact with a simple contract to the Ethereum blockchain.
A repository of scripts to create some of the most popular individual-level data visualizations at PBCAR
lottery, a random contract that we make sure the winner get all the money, it's automatic and real random.
Keycloack authenticator module using waffle
Swapping ERC20 tokens, removing/providing liquidity based on UniswapV2 API
Scrum workflow CLI for GitHub with or without Can also be used with ZenHub.
Tryvium Smart Contract Development template repository to start decentralized projects
Quick starter kit for Web3 Developers
npx degit olehmisar/hardhat-template <folder-name>
Generative NFT with metadata on chain
Solver for Waffle ( and working on a solver for Deluxe! Still trying to prove that it can always greedily solve the normal game (a group theory problem). Haven't found any counter-examples. Made alongside RussellDash332 <3
Smart contract-based wallet
🚀 Boilerplate and Starter pack for develop Smart Contracts with Hardhat environment, Typescript, Chai and Waffle
Template for smart contracts development with Solidity and TypeScript using Hardhat