There are 0 repository under autoload topic.
A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs
🍀 RobotLoader: high performance and comfortable autoloader that will search and autoload classes within your application.
✨ Future-proof your Emacs Lisp customizations!
GigaTables is a ReactJS plug-in to help web-developers process table-data in applications and CMS, CRM, ERP or similar systems.
Boilerplate for WordPress plugin using autoload, coding standard, webpack, PHP/JS tests, etc.
Plugin for Elysia which autoload all routes in directory and code-generate types for Eden
Send push notification to Android and IOS devices with PHP
Make load-more easy for ListView and RecycleView.
Override fully qualified function calls inside your class methods in order to be able to mock them during testing.
A PHP functional programming library.
Aplus Framework Autoload Library
Adds an index to the autoload in wp_options table and verifies it exists on a daily basis (using WP Cron), resulting in a more efficient database.
Find definitions (classes, functions, etc) in PHP and Hack files
An Elisp library that provides automatic generation of auto-loads from pre-configured directories
🎩 Autoload your express/object dependencies using the power of glob.
An autoloader for Sequelize, inspired by PSR-0 and PSR-4.
Implement achievements in your game in a simple way and with minimal security practices.
Bun/esbuild plugin for work with autoload at runtime
This is simple a skeleton repo for a WordPress site managed by composer
Magento 2 Autocomplete Module For Product Search
Static PSR-4, PSR-0, and classmap autoloader.
Integration composer autoload into Magento. Allows to load third-party libraries from vendor directory.
Package to autoload providers, routes and console commands into another composer packages
This plugin offers a collection of singletons that encompass global resources and functionalities that can enhance your game's utility and accessibility
Shiptheory API Client for PHP
[READ-ONLY] Switch classmap to PSR-4
PHP Backend System ― Route, View, Controller, Login system, Template admin
This class loader files from direct paths, or directory path
Aplicação de PSR-4 utilizando composer e outro sem composer