There are 1 repository under haversine topic.
Libraries of geodesy functions implemented in JavaScript
Multilanguage (C#/Matlab/Rust) library for solving navigation (2D/3D) & geodetic problems: Multilateration (true range), Time-Of-Arrival (TOA), Time-Difference-Of-Arrival (TDOA), Angle-Of-Arrival AOA (Direction-Of-Arrival, DOA); Direct & inverse geodetic problems: Vincenty equations, Haversine formula; Virtual Long Baseline navigation (VLBL) etc.
Golang package to compute the distance between two geographic latitude, longitude coordinates
Helper classes to calculate Earth distances, bearing, etc.
Haversine formula in Javascript. In meters. Nothing more.
Get distances between two points or get closest position to current point. Based on the Haversine Formula
A collection of algorithms I use for the analysis of geospatial data. Written in C, wrapped in Python.
Geospatial primitives and algorithms for Crystal
A Java library for representing latitude, longitude and cardinal points of the compass, and calculating distance and bearing between points
Tempat Pelayanan Kesehatan menggunakan Formula Haversine, Google Place Api dan Google Maps Api
Haversine formula to calculate the great-circle distance between two pairs of latitude and longitude coordinates.
ISS tracking script in python using NASA's API
A python package to implement all different distance/routing methods (Great Circle/Rhumbline/Haversine/Eucledian).
Implementation for Google polyline algorithm with **extra** salt and sugar. :sparkles::sparkles:
Simple API for quickly calculating distance between two coordinates
Using haversine formula, nearest distance calculation is measured.
This project takes on the goal to improve upon's infrastructure to train a deep learning model to predict coordinates of individual texts.
Go package to nicely calculate distance between coordinates using the Haversine formula.
:globe_with_meridians: A fast dataframe compatible haversine function
Staging area for Haversine distance computations in SimSIMD and USearch
Calculating the nearest weather sensor for each traffic sensor and then merging the weather sensors' temporal data with the traffic sensors'.
ES6 module to calculate distance between coordinates
geodesics utils, including ellipsoid data and ellipsoidal distance
Classes Angle, GeoPos, UTM32 and some other Math functions
Implementation of the Haversine formula in Dart.
find the distance between two points with typescript
🌎🔺📍- Triangulate a position in Earth based on the geographic location of three known points and their distances to the unknown point; using Haversine formula.
Is a package that used The Haversine formula to compare distance between two points on Earth using lat/long coordinates. to get the nearest points and get all positions included in a range.
Hitch Hike 2.0 is a web application designed to connect drivers and passengers looking for rides. It aims to reduce the environmental impact of individual car travel by encouraging carpooling and sharing rides.
An attempt to make an accurate artillery strike, for fun.
Compute the half-value versed sine.
A package used to calculate the distance between two coordinate points using the haversine algorithm