OlimilO1402 / Math_AngleWGS84UTM32

Classes Angle, GeoPos, UTM32 and some other Math functions

Repository from Github https://github.comOlimilO1402/Math_AngleWGS84UTM32Repository from Github https://github.comOlimilO1402/Math_AngleWGS84UTM32


Classes Angle, GeoPos & UTM32

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Project started in march 2022.
The Angle class stores an angle in radians internally, and can be used in all situations where you need an angle e.g. gps. With 5 different constructor-functions you can create an angle object with either a value in radians, degrees, gons, in 3 separate values for degree, minute, second or in a string. The Angle class has all trigonometric functions, you can view all functions graphically.
The GeoPos class is for gps geo-positioning-system purposes and uses the angle class for the values of latitude and longitude.
With the app you can send a kml file to google earth pro or a link to the website Koordinaten-umrechner.de The GeoPos class calculates the distances between two or more geo-positions by using the Haversine-formula. You may check the calculation by creating a Trip, send the trip to Google-Earth pro and look up the value. For compatibility and authoritative purposes the UTM-class creates UTM32-coordinates from WGS84 coordinates and vice versa.

FMainShowDlgAngle Image DlgTestAngle Image DlgTestAngleGraphs Image DlgAngleGeoPos Image DlgGeoPos Image DlgAngle Image FMain Image TripInGoogleEarth Image TripInGoogleEarthDetail Image

AngleWGS84UTM32 Image


Classes Angle, GeoPos, UTM32 and some other Math functions

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Visual Basic 6.0 86.0%Language:C++ 6.9%Language:VBA 6.0%Language:C 1.0%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:PowerShell 0.0%