Kurtis LoVerde's repositories
A Java library for generating mathematically-valid credit card numbers for software testing. The API provides customizable criteria for generation, and is extensible to apply to any payment card type which uses Luhn validation (not limited to just credit cards).
A Java library for representing latitude, longitude and cardinal points of the compass, and calculating distance and bearing between points
Get a libGDX-powered Android live wallpaper up and running quickly with this project template
A jQuery plugin which uses regular expressions to validate and control input to HTML text fields. Use 38 built-in types or define your own; discard invalid keystrokes to prevent invalid values from ever making it into the field, or flag the field as invalid.
A jQuery plugin for creating "select-all" checkboxes
A JavaScript application for monitoring sensors or any kind of numeric data. User-defined fields laid out in a panel, realtime graphs, configurable warning levels & notifications. Reads JSON response from GET, POST & Web sockets. Includes a Node.js server for running simulations.
A JavaScript library for creating "select-all" checkboxes
Shell scripts: Gnome wallpaper rotation; launcher creation; favorite creation; Thunderbird & VS Code upgrade automation; various utilities
Fixes the "Cannot connect to service" error often seen in the Windows 7 weather gadget
Various sorting algorithms implemented in Java with generics
A jQuery plugin for dynamic creation and removal of input fields. An add/remove button appears to the right of each field.
A jQuery plugin which moves user selections between 'available' and 'selected' boxes via add/add-all and remove/remove-all buttons
Cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
Quake II 3.21 'Capture The Flag' for Yamagi Quake II