There are 0 repository under geiger-muller topic.
IoT Geiger Counter with ESP32, OLED Display, Thingspeak Channel and MQTT
IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 Ionizing Radiation Detector module under Home Assistant server with ESPHome plugin setup example
☢️ ESP8266 / ESP32 Firmware for collecting and reporting statistics from Geiger counters
Nuclear radiation sensor with photodiode as a detector. Photodiode doesn't require high voltages as GM tubes do. Smaller size makes better resolution. Side effect is electronic must be more sensitive.
IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation Geiger counter module for generic ESP32 under Home Assistant with ESPHome setup example
A nuclear radiation sensor with a Geiger–Müller (GM) tube as the detector. This widely used solution is cost-effective, easy to construct, and ideal for measuring ionizing radiation.
An easy-to-build Geiger counter based on M4011 Geiger muller tube and Atmega328p(MCU)(SMD)
IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector module driver library for Arduino
Geiger Mueller counter for IoT on an ESP8266 microcontroller
GGreg20_V3 with Generic ESP32 with Tasmota Firmware and Berry script driver example
GGreg20_V3 Ionizing Radiation Detector for Arduino UNO WOKWI simulator
This is Geiger-Muller Counter
Prometheus exporter for GQ GMC (Geiger–Muller counter) devices
Radiation monitoring solution for a variety of instrument types.
Geiger Counter in MATLAB / Счетчик Гейгера на MATLAB
DIY Geiger counter project using Wemos D1 Mini Pro
A hackable open source sensor IoT board with network interface. A DIY Geiger counter KIT to contribute readings to the uRADMonitor network.
Geiger counter library for micropython
For a radioactive sample in the shape of a disc, uses a Monte-Carlo method in order to simulate the amount of decays would intersect with an area of a Geiger-Muller Tube above it. Prints the amount of intersections and displays a graph of the situation.