There are 0 repository under flexsensor topic.
● Designed a microcontroller circuit that recognizes hand gestures made by glove with embedded flex sensors, and translates them into text and speech using peripheral interface controller (PIC) ● Used APR9600 record/replay IC to associate the input gesture to the appropriate recorded voice sample from its flash analogue storage exhibiting high quality speech output ● Focused on simplifying the conversation process amongst the differently abled (deaf and dumb)
This project contains a smart glove (Arduino and sensors integrated with it) and an Android application. The project was mainly for the people unable to speak and listen (deaf and dumb) for providing them a better experience of communication. It basically performs two basic tasks. First one is, it detects hand movement of the user and transfer data through Bluetooth module (HC05) to the android app and then the app speaks the corresponding word for him (dumb). Second one is, it listens to the other people’s speech and convert those into text for him (deaf).
This is a project started by me on 07/2020 just because of interest and fun at first.
This project implements a smart air flow stabilization system for wind tunnels, ensuring precise and stable airflow conditions. The system dynamically adjusts fan speed based on real-time feedback from a flex sensor measuring the angular displacement of a flap. This flap angle directly reflects airflow stability.
BeatFusion : Virtual Drum using Gloves - This repo contains code for right hand glove. Uses ESP32 Microcontroller, MPU6050 IMU, Flex Sensor for right glove. Websockets for communication with server
This was a part of the Community project which I worked along with 8 other peers from different branches in VIT Bhopal. The aims to assist the handicapped and needy in posture correction, object detection and path assistance.
This is my Electronic of Object for Internet of Things (IoT) project. The project focuses mainly on the design for both software and hardware interaction framework of Pong Game using Flex-sensor Paddles. The project Integrated Server/Client Interaction and Twitter API.
Project aims to bridge the communication gap between individuals who use sign language and those who don't by converting sign language gestures into speech. The system utilizes an Arduino , five flex sensors, and a DFPlayer Mini audio module. The Arduino reads the sensor values, interprets the gestures, and plays corresponding audio messages.