There are 1 repository under fever topic.
🐋 Awesome TTRSS, a powerful Dockerised all-in-one RSS solution.
TinyTiny RSS Fever API Plugin
Tiny Tiny RSS Fever API Plugin
Fact Extraction and VERification baseline published in NAACL2018
Fluid Earth is a WebGL-powered visualization of Earth's atmosphere and oceans
Provide extra protocols to make like Fever, NewsBlur, Nextcloud/ownCloud News and Tiny Tiny RSS work with elfeed
Symmetric evaluation set based on the FEVER (fact verification) dataset
Software Engineer Position Interview Guide (Cerner Corporation)
Game code and data for Fool Me Twice: Entailment from Wikipedia Gamification
Fever prediction model using high-frequency real-time sensor data
An automated solution for fact-checking using available claims and fake-news datasets to fine-tune state-of-the-art language models published recently for NLP tasks (BERT, RoBERTa, XLNet, ConvBERT...) in order to classify unseen claims.
Simple RSS Reader supporting fever sync api, base on raven reader
📄 Evidence Retrieval and Claim Verification for the FEVER shared task using Transformer Networks
Objects to work with RSS feeds and the Fever API
FEVER<->Threat Bus connector
AAAI-24 CFEVER: A Chinese Fact Extraction and VERification Dataset
Dockerised Feed-A-Fever (
a rss reader use fever api, based by electron 7.1.x+vue 2.x
Data for the FEVER task in Danish, NODALIDA 2021
Code and raw data for the implementation of "Correction of human forehead temperature variations measured by non-contact infrared thermometer". Adrian Shajkofci, 2020
Your current feed reader is full of unread items. You’re hesitant to subscribe to any more feeds because you can't keep up with your existing subs. Maybe you've even abandoned feeds altogether. Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot.
My dengue fever app in Google Play: Link to app on Google Play:
Second assignment for NLP class at @unibo
A BERT based system for Climate Fact Extration and VERification. Evidence Retrieval + Claim Label Classification, with two separate BERT training schemes respectively.
Fever, Python, Hexagonal Architecture, Redis