There are 4 repositories under react18 topic.
A most advanced ssr framework support React17/React18/Vue2/Vue3 on Earth that implemented serverless-side render specification.
🐔A Svelte.js based UnoCSS UI library that allows you to make websites
Mantis is React Dashboard Template having combine tone of 2 popular react component library - MUI and Ant Design principles.
A simple code editor with syntax highlighting.
JSON viewer for react18
基于 React 封装的百度地图组件,支持 React Hook,帮助你轻松的接入地图到 React 项目中。
A lightweight React18 backend management template
React component for i18n currency input using Intl API.
😎 Next.js 13 App Router Examples
始于 vite + vue3 + ts + node 的全栈博客,目前也提供了 react18 版本实现,采用 pnpm monorepo 架构,支持自动化部署,优秀的开发和部署体验。
Angular 19 & React 18 & Node Examples App starter
Nestjs project, Reactjs project, Full stack project, project for beginner, Access Control System, Authorization Management System
UI components based on React and DevUI Design
Angular 19 & React 18 Examples SEO (Search engine optimization)
Simple template for a website with a brand new SSR streaming API from React 18
A Front-End Project with Typescript/Antd. webpack5+react-router5+antd+typescript5+grahql+jwt+hooks
Banter is a feature-rich Discord clone built with React, Redux Toolkit, Next.JS, TypeScript, styled-components, Tailwind CSS, and uses Firebase to communicate with the back-end.
A simple generic example template.And it includes front-end Docker deployment capability.
Angular 19 & React 19 Examples PWA (Progressive Web App)
Template for creating React 19 / Next.js 15 libraries
Angular 19 & React 18, Bootstrap 5 , FontAwesome 6
Free Online Developer Tools
React and React Native, 5E_published by Packt
UI Component Library Template with React, Typescript, Storybook, SASS, Rollup and NextJs.
Angular 19 & React 18 Examples Lazy Loading
Angular 19 & React 18 Examples Routing
😍React background management system based on React18, ReactRouteV6 and Vite4
A React.js weather app (5 day forecast) using OpenWeatherMap's API + SheCodes weather API. Deployed via Netlify.
create-react-app eject 后改造的 Chrome 插件工程模板
Boilerplate for Electron + React + Typescript + Fast-Refresh + Jest.
Zustand middleware to easily persist and sync Zustand state between tabs / windows / iframes (Same Origin)