There are 12 repositories under explorable-explanations topic.
Create explorable explanations and interactive essays.
A curated list of awesome explorable explanations.
A collaborative list of interactive Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Statistics websites
The Emmy Computer Algebra System.
An interactive scientific editor built with ProseMirror, React and Redux - by Curvenote.
Components for interactive scientific writing, reactive documents and explorable explanations.
An explorable explanation of python dictionaries
An Explorable Explainer of K-Means Clustering
A graphical editor for creating Idyll documents.
How I make an interactive tutorial using d3.js
The Math of Card Shufflig
Pathfinding around a set of circular obstacles
Components for interactive scientific writing, reactive documents and explorable explanations.
Thesis project, explorable explanation and tutorial for learning Git.
Authoring tool for interactive content
If you want to write tutorials with interactive diagrams like mine, here's some code to get you started. I have vanilla, lit-html, Vue, React, Svelte, and Preact+HTM versions of a simple interactive diagram.
A list of high-quality Computer Graphics & Computer Vision learning resources.
Create variables and components that react to changes in state through user-defined functions. Based on Redux.
How I make an interactive tutorial using vue v2
The UIST'23 Living Papers research paper and supplemental material.
Uma explicação explorável sobre animações com spritesheets em JavaScript
Sorting Blueberry Pancakes: A Toy Algorithms Problem
A research on how macroeconomic, microeconomic factors and personal data could affect mortgage risk using Machine Learning techniques.
Where my ideas and (mostly web-based) experiments are kept. 'Strong' enough to hold so many 'weak' ideas. (Yeah that is a terrible pun)
Demonstration of My Father's World's unique curriculum system
Build explainable machine learning products and services
An explorable explanation of the Recamán Sequence made for the Explorable Explanation Jam
An explorable explanation about outgroup homogeneity bias