There are 0 repository under elbow-method topic.
Plotly-Dash NLP project. Document similarity measure using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, principal component analysis and finally follow with KMeans clustering. Project is completed with dynamic visual interaction.
Clustering Analysis Performed on the Customers of a Mall based on some common attributes such as salary, buying habits, age and purchasing power etc, using Machine Learning Algorithms.
Analysing practical examples by using principal component analysis (PCA) and Clustring
Implementation of hierarchical clustering on small n-sample dataset with very high dimension. Together with the visualization results implemented in R and python
This repository contains introductory notebooks for principal component analysis.
全球新冠肺炎的数据分析,包括基础知识有:kmeans算法设计,SSE算法设计,分级聚类算法设计,cophenetic distance 算法设计。
Project on hyperspectral-image clustering for the Μ402 - Clustering Algorithms course, NKUA, Fall 2022.
Use unsupervised machine learning, PCA algorithm, and K-Means clustering to analyze and classify a database of cryptocurrencies.
Text classification and topic extraction from COVID-19 articles
Segment airline customers, analyze the characteristics of different customer categories, compare the value of customers from different customer categories, provide personalized services for categories of customers with different values, and formulate the right marketing strategy.
Perform Clustering (Hierarchical, K Means Clustering and DBSCAN) for the airlines and crime data to obtain optimum number of clusters. Draw the inferences from the clusters obtained.
Problem Statement: This data set is created only for the learning purpose of the customer segmentation concepts , also known as market basket analysis . I will demonstrate this by using unsupervised ML technique (KMeans Clustering Algorithm) in the simplest form.You are owing a supermarket mall and through membership cards , you have some basic data about your customers like Customer ID, age, gender, annual income and spending score. Problem Statement You own the mall and want to understand the customers like who can be easily converge [Target Customers] so that the sense can be given to marketing team and plan the strategy accordingly.
🗽🚕 Performance of data analysis in taxi trips in NYC and creation of a Random Forest Regressor in order to predict the duration of taxi trips.
This project uses the CGPA.csv file as the dataset (provides CGPA of the students) and uses the K-means algorithm to cluster the points using the elbow point method.
This project clusters white wines based on their chemical properties to understand their relationship with quality ratings, using techniques like k-means and PCA.
A customer profiling project based on RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis using a dataset from an online retail company in the United Kingdom. The aim is to identify customer habits and create personalized marketing strategies for targeted advertising.
Comparing the Elbow Method and Silhouette Method for choosing the optimal number of clusters in K-Means algorithm
Customers RFM Clustering (Market Segmentation based on Behavioral Approach)
:chart_with_downwards_trend: Clustering of HTTP responses using k-means++ and the elbow method
This project aims to analyze a transnational dataset from a UK-based online retail company and identify major customer segments. By categorizing customers into distinct groups based on their characteristics, businesses can gain valuable insights and tailor their strategies to better serve each segment.
Based on a user's preferred movie or TV show, Unsupervised Machine Learning-Netflix Recommender suggests Netflix movies and TV shows. These suggestions are based on a K-Means Clustering model. These algorithms base their recommendations on details about movies and tv shows, such as their genres and description.
This repo explores KMeans and Agglomerative Clustering effectiveness in simplifying large datasets for ML. Goals include dataset download, finding optimal clusters via Elbow and Silhouette methods, comparing clustering techniques, validating optimal clusters, tuning hyperparameters. Detailed explanations and analysis are provided.
OptimalCluster is the Python implementation of various algorithms to find the optimal number of clusters. The algorithms include elbow, elbow-k_factor, silhouette, gap statistics, gap statistics with standard error, and gap statistics without log. Various types of visualizations are also supported.
Apply KNN algorithm to classify whether cancer is present or not. Implemented Pipeline, GridSearchCV, Elbow method to fit the best model.
This repository contains a comprehensive analysis of telecom user behavior and engagement. It includes: - User Overview Analysis: Identifies top handsets and manufacturers, explores user behavior across various applications, and performs dimensionality reduction for deeper insights. - User Engagement Analysis: Evaluates user engagement
Iris dataset
Exploration and analysis of socio-economic and health data from 167 countries using MATLAB. Application of clustering algorithms to identify development patterns, visualize disparities, and understand global trends.
Data Science Content from DNC School
Using the Elbow Method and Silhouette Analysis to find the optimal K in K-Means Clustering.
This repository features three data science tasks from GRIP October'23: Linear Regression on student scores, K-Means Clustering on the Iris dataset, and Exploratory Data Analysis on a retail dataset.
Economic_DER_Integration is a Economical demand-side management with distributed energy resources project which Demand-side management (DSM) and distributed energy resources (DER) are both strategies that can help reduce energy costs and improve the efficiency of energy.