There are 0 repository under elasticnetregression topic.
BioMM: Biological-informed Multi-stage Machine learning framework for phenotype prediction using omics data
Basic implementation of Lasso, Ridge Regression and Elastic-Net Regularization.
This Repository Contains Different Machine Learning and Important Concepts
HackerEarth Machine Learning Challenge to Predict the employee attrition rate in organizations. This repository contains my solution of achieving rank 300 (best 161)
Kaggle Competition : Predicting house prices using a collection of advanced regression techniques and data visualization with plotly
In this repo I have implemented a machine learning project which predicts the house price in Boston. I have covered these topics : Exploratory Data Analysis, Feature Engineering including feature scaling, transformation into normally distributed data, multicollinearity, feature selection. I have trained the dataset using Linear Regression, Ridge, Lasso, and Elastic Net Regression.
Project work related to various hackathons
Model Building and Testing using Ridge, Lasso and ElasticNet Methods
Creating Regression model using different techniques that will predict the price of house given the number of bedrooms,size of living area,size of basement,number of floors,year it was built,year it was renovated,the location, availability waterfront and view,the grading of the house the size above and the condition of the house. I will create the model using Multiple linear regression,Quantile regression,Lasso regression,ridge regression and Elastic net. Then I will choose the best model.
This model trains according to the data and makes a Polynomial Regression curve of degree 16. The model is regularized using ElasticNet regression of l1_ratio 0.5. It also compares the predicted values with original outputs and for different alphas.
Modeling Portfolio (Python based)
Various projects, spanning from exploratory data analysis to results
Skillenza Upgrad DataScience Hackathon : Rank #18 in Leaderboard
Determination of major drivers of sales and forecasting sales for next 6 periods
Meu quinto miniprojeto em que faço uma análise da qualidade do vinho usando modelos de machine learning de regressão linear e de regressão logística
ols_regression, Simple_Linear_Regression,univariate_Polynomial_Regression,Bayesian_Regression
HASS CONSULTING COMPANY - REAL ESTATE: study the factors that affect housing prices using the given information on real estate properties that was collected over the past few months. Later onwards, create a model that would allow the company to accurately predict the sale of prices upon being provided with the predictor variables.