There are 0 repository under php-amqplib topic.
The most widely used PHP client for RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ Bundle for the Symfony web framework
A docker stack to create, test and benchmark a rabbitmq cluster in high availability configuration. HAProxy, php workers, node failures, network partition, persistent messages.
An elegant wrapper around the famous php-amqplib for 90% use case.
This is a php wrapper built on top of php-amqplib (@videlalvaro).
The Help Desk system is a system created in the Symfony 4 RESTful API, whose task is to support the operation of support.
An extension bundle for php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle for dynamically generating consumers
RabbitMQ message broker basic publish and consume example
Сервис генерации PDF с рецептами с использованием RabbitMQ
Allows PHP clients to quickly publish over a unix domain socket and keep connections established by AMQGate.