There are 5 repositories under cardinality-estimation topic.
PilotScope is a middleware to bridge the gaps of deploying AI4DB (Artificial Intelligence for Databases) algorithms into actual database systems.
Fast HyperLogLog for Python.
Neural Relation Understanding: neural cardinality estimators for tabular data
Implementation of DeepDB: Learn from Data, not from Queries!
Dynatrace hash library for Java
Paper about the estimation of cardinalities from HyperLogLog sketches
Union, intersection, and set cardinality in loglog space
Paper related to AI4DB techniques
SetSketch: Filling the Gap between MinHash and HyperLogLog
A Unified Deep Model of Learning from both Data and Queries for Cardinality Estimation
A pytorch implementation for FACE: A Normalizing Flow based Cardinality Estimator
A Python library for efficient feature ranking and selection on sparse data sets.
A crate for estimating the cardinality of distinct elements in a stream or dataset.
Fast Cardinality Estimation of Multi-Join Queries Using Sketches
An implementation of the algorithms presented in the paper "Cardinality Estimation Done Right: Index-Based Join Sampling"
[VLDB'22] Cardinality Estimation of Approximate Substring Queries using Deep Learning.
ExaLogLog: Space-Efficient and Practical Approximate Distinct Counting up to the Exa-Scale
UltraLogLog: A Practical and More Space-Efficient Alternative to HyperLogLog for Approximate Distinct Counting
Learned model to estimate number of distinct values (NDV) of a population using a small sample.
Simpli-Squared is a statistics-free join ordering algorithm Without Cardinality Estimates.
Scalable Join Cardinality Estimaitor
Datasets Used in AI4DB Research Work
Reference implementation of the Affirmative Sampling algorithm by Jérémie Lumbroso and Conrado Martínez (2022). 🍀
python implementations of the Flajolet-Martin, LogLog, SuperLogLog, and HyperLogLog cardinality estimation algorithms, specifically used to estimate the cardinality of unique traffic violations in NYC in the 2019 fiscal year
Current STAT Learning-based Cardinality Estimation Code Base
Updated code for different query featurizations for MSCN
Self-Tuning GPU-Accelerated Kernel Density Estimators
Distributed Cardinality Tracking
HyperLogLog en C++ y OpenMP para cálculo de similitud de genomas mediante índice de Jaccard
Submission for Huawei European University Challenge 2024 Team: Knee Surgery Place: 15th