There are 0 repository under auth2 topic.
Go 学习、Go 进阶、Go 实用工具类、Go DDD 项目落地、Go-kit 、Go-Micro 、Go 推送平台、微服务实践
基于.NET5+IdentityServer4+Vue+Sqlserver 的统一授权认证系统,包含系统管理界面。
以kratos 作为服务端接口框架,vue3作为前端框架的后台管理系统
基于SpringBoot实现的OnePiece技术社区项目后端模块。该社区平台包含了:博客社区、OJ算法刷题、知识树构建、电子书在线阅读、简历在线制作、流程图/脑图制作工具、全局搜索、Web实时通讯、消息订阅、权限控制、微信/QQ/短信认证授权等多种功能,且具备一套完整的后台管理系统以及基于Jenkins + Docker开发的一键可视化部署平台。
This framework provides complete solution to linkedin integration in iOS.
🔓 Nodejs package that interacts with the minecraft plugin "Nlogin" with the same can assemble web login system
Oauth2 Client package for Golang
Spring boot based social media backend
The original spring-boot-slingshot project that is extended with Auth2 for login using Facebook and Google
Aplicativo para organizar partidas de games.
AspNet.Security.OAuth.Okta is library include collection of security middlewares to authorize users based on OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect protocol in your application.
Auth 2 like authentication system for Rwanda Coding Academy systems
.NET MAUI Blazor app Authentication with Idntityserver4 / duende
Mobile application of authentification using Jetpack compose, GraphQL, RestApi
ASP.NET Core Identity project is used to manage user authentication and authorization in a web application. You can manage users and perform login, registration, and password reset operations.
Implementation of Authorization code flow between auth0, blazor webapp and a rest API
Simple Rest WebService Todo backend with authentication on Actix with MyBatis
This repository contains the code for the backend of the complete Full Stack Mern project of Job website i built. Its a microservice based architecture with RestFul Apis. You can test the apis using the linked website
The OKMS system is a newly developed platform designed to meet the needs of various industries to foster collaboration and the curation of institutional data assets in the age of Big Data.
Larave API Case Study
auth2 jwt service using kotlin, spring boot, and spring security
Automatização de e-mails usando node e 0Auth2
Experimental XF app for W10M FitBit auth testing. UWP target damaged
A simple event list management webapp using ReactJS.