There are 2 repositories under eureka-client topic.
A modular, scalable Spring Boot microservices framework for managing courses and reviews. It features OAuth 2.0 authentication via Keycloak, API management with Spring Cloud Gateway, and observability using OTel, Grafana, Loki, Tempo, and Prometheus. MongoDB and PostgreSQL handle storage, with deployments via Docker Compose and Kubernetes.
Spring boot microservice example with Eureka Server + Eureka Client + Spring Cloud API Gateway + OAuth2.0 + Circuit Breaker + Resilience4J + FeignClient + RestTemplate
The application including two separate service product-service and offer-service with two other service service-registry for service discovery and api-gateway for dynamic service routing, load balancing. No need to know java just read the documentation and understand the workflow diagram, It's well enough to understand the microservice concept.
Sample project using Eureka and Spring Boot 2
sample spring cloud application with embedded api gateway on spring cloud gateway with or without service discovery with eureka
msa backend service example with springboot REST API
Sample CQRS and event sourced application developed on top of axon framework.(Kafka is used for distributing the events)
A Cloud Native App with Spring Coud Security with KeyCloak Auth Server, API Gateway Server, Naming Server, Config Server and Distributed Tracing and ELK Stack hosted in K8s
Twitter clone project,模仿Twitter的社交平台,基于Spring Cloud Netflix微服务技术栈开发。
Non-offical implementation of Spring Cloud Eureka client. Eureka server api, refer to:
Spring Boot Microservice Ecosystem Demo
Netflix OSS, Zuul, Zipkin, Hysterix, Eureka, Docker, Angular4, Sleuth, Turbine
Microservice project for OnlineShopping built using Spring-cloud
Eureka DNS Server: RFC 1035/2782 compatible DNS server interface to Netflix Eureka service registry.
Online shopping cart web application to manage a shopping cart for users by using REST Microservices architecture.
Tasks microservice (Spring Boot, MVC, Data, Lombok, Cloud, OAuth2, Config, Eureka, Zuul, Hystrix, Docker)
Software of Application with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud (MICROSERVICE)
Welcome to our Microservices Project! 🚀 Explore a modern architecture for a hotel management system, built using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
sample microservices demonstrating usage of such Spring Cloud components and mechanisms like Eureka (service discovery), Ribbon (client-side load balancer), Feign (HTTP client), Hystrix (circuit breaker and fallback), Zuul (proxy/api gateway)
Spring Boot Microservices Application API Gateway, Service Registry, Circuit Breaker, Hystrix Dashboard, and Other Microservices
Microservice-To-Microservice Synchronous Communication with Service Discovery
Microservice Architecture With Eureka Server, Client, And Spring Cloud Gateway
How to utilize Eureka Registry service and register restful webservices as well as access the end-points on micro services
This project implements a Task Management system using microservices architecture. The system consists of three main microservices: UserService, TaskService, and TaskSubmissionService. Additionally, Eureka is used for service discovery, and an API Gateway is implemented to manage API requests.
👨🏿💻 A system that contains three microservices for use in the subscription applications.
Spring Boot (v. 3.1.4) microservice project that utilizes different technologies
Udemy (InfyBuzz) - Microservices with Java Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
[Inflearn] Spring Cloud로 개발하는 마이크로서비스 애플리케이션(MSA)
API Gateway Service with Spring Cloud Gateway, Spring Boot 3, Java 21
sample microservices applications demonstrating how to use spring cloud netflix projects like eureka with or without spring cloud config, zuul, ribbon