There are 0 repository under asap topic.
ASAM ASAP2 Library for Python
ASAP : Automated Single-cell Analysis Pipeline
⚡️ zap: Slack ASAP is *a* command to notify about things as soon as possible.
Project for DL for NLT Course 2018 - MSc Artificial Intelligence @ UvA
📚 O asaPY foi idealizado para suprir necessidades de faculdades que queiram gerenciar suas equipes em competições de programação. Este software visa entregar um stack de soluções para o coordenador do projeto de programação competitiva para que o mesmo possa gastar o seu tempo e energia com aquilo que é realmente necessário para alcançar os objetivos de uma maratona: a preparação da equipe.
A local application frontend and a backend server based on U-Net and Dectectron2 as a solution to the auto annotation of pathology images (Columbia Data Science Institute Fall 2020 Capstone Project)
An Insomnia plugin to generate Atlassian ASAP or SLAUTH tokens seamlessly
For Windows: This little script made in Powershell installs MongoDB using Chocolatey.
A simple shooter game i did with vanilla JavaScript, asap and Tailwind. In this one i added some cool frameworks to make the animation, particles and to adjust the game layout.
This is project contains code for automatic grading of short descriptive answers.
Openresty based middle man proxy for generating and injecting asap token header on the fly.
ASAP Reboot Hackathon Project