There are 1 repository under applied-science topic.
A collection of awesome software, learning tutorials, theoretical resources, books and videos, best practices in applied cryptography.
Draco-Py is a library that allows users to solve problems from physics, chemistry, engineering, business, and mathematics. It utilizes the best math and statistics libraries in Python as well as physics-solvers to get solutions for problems in applied science and mathematics. There will also be support for interdisciplinary fields like robotics, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, etc.
Code repository for Met Office work on the IKI Oasis project.
Datahub to the Applied Science Paper: Semantic Point Cloud Segmentation with Deep-Learning-Based Approaches for the Construction Industry: A Survey by Lukas Rauch et al.
Diplom in Physik, Univ. of Bonn, Institute of Applied Physics
HZ Portfolio Showcase Website is a personal website created to introduce and present a portfolio for the HZ University of Applied Sciences. This project highlights skills, experiences, and projects through a well-designed, responsive interface built with web development technologies. The website serves as an academic and professional showcase.
Iterative analysis in information games. Formalization and algorithmic solution of wordle.
An ongoing applied scientific research about detecting urban bikeway obstacles using smartphone depth perception
Drawings (AutoCAD, DWG) diploma thesis, Univ. of Bonn, Institute of Applied Physics, Atomic beam & Laser physics, hyperfinestructure (HFS) real-time spectroscopy