pinchnzoom / pz-animate-scroll

Angular 1.x directive version of animatescroll.js

Repository from Github https://github.compinchnzoom/pz-animate-scrollRepository from Github https://github.compinchnzoom/pz-animate-scroll

pz-animate-scroll - Animatescroll.js as an Angular Directive

pz-animate-scroll was designed...

To what: Allow a quick plugin for smooth scrolling

To how: By cutting down on DOM traversal, starting from the calling element

To why: Because animatescroll is cool.


In your Angular project, run bower install --save pz-animate-scroll to save the module. Then, in your HTML, add (if bower doesn't do it for you...):

<script src="/path/to/bower_components/pz-animate-scroll/dist/index.min.js"></script>

And nextly, in your Angular module, include pz.animateScroll as a dependency:

angular.module('my-app', ['pz.animateScroll'])

And afterthatly, add the 'page-container' HTML attribute id to the top-level element you want to be scrollable (if you have a fixed sidebar aside, and a section element, put it in the section element)

<any class="page-container"></any>

And Lastly, in the element you want to scroll FROM, add the pz-animate-scroll attribute directive with space-separated 2 params: Param1 is the id of the scroll-to target Param2 is the delay of the scroll in milliseconds

<p pz-animate-scroll="targetId 1000"></p>

** This plugin adds an event to this element.


Angular 1.x directive version of animatescroll.js


Language:JavaScript 100.0%