There are 7 repositories under activex topic.
PluginOK(牛插)中间件是一个实现网页浏览器(Web Browser)与本地程序(Local App)之间进行双向调用的低成本、强兼容、安全可控、轻量级、易集成、可扩展、跨浏览器的原生小程序系统。通过此中间件可实现网页前端JS脚本无障碍操作本地电脑各种硬件、调用本地系统API及相关组件功能,可彻底解决DLL模块、ActiveX控件及自动化程序(如微软Office、金山WPS、AutoCAD等)在Chrome、Edge、360、FireFox、IE、Opera、Electron、Vivaldi、Brave、QQ、搜狗等浏览器各版本中的嵌入使用问题,媲美原Java Applet的效果
This is an ActiveX Print Control using C# for IE.
A set of scripts to detect updates of Microsoft (TM) Windows (TM) OS which harm users' privacy and uninstall them
RainDrops ActivePack - OCX Components for Visual Basic 6
This is the meaning of life. For those of you who don't know, it's a famous "trojan" (more of an internet joke than a trojan tbh) from back in 2006. This is an archive of it.
Library + UI for generating Typescript definitions / DefinitelyTyped packages from COM type libraries / LibreOffice Doxygen XML
Game framework/API/wrapper for develop games for Windows with Visual Basic 6.0 or .NET and DirectX | Biblioteca de desarrollo de juegos para Windows con Visual Basic 6.0 o .NET y DirectX.
Armyworm是一款用于研究和测试的Internet Explorer密码输入控件粘虫防护能力的测试程序
Generated C++ source code from using ResourceGen on resource xml files in PopCap games.
Open Source M-Squared Measurement Automation using Dataray WinCamD and Ophir NanoScan. WinCamD and NanoScan code may be used independently
Ivan Ricart Borges - Using the Suprema API to synchronize all workers fingerprints with all biometric devices by creating .NET components to interact with the web platform. Use ActiveX technology to incorporate fingerprint register functionality in web environment.
Component Cleaner - Limpiador de componentes y referencias ActiveX
This HTA installer will compile unicode text based files to a single file .hta installer which can be installed on windows based corporate environments.
Event handler management, and parameterized property setters for ActiveX objects in Javascript
IE6 ActiveX control for uploading and resizing images at the same time
ActiveX control for IE11 to sample an audio stream from a mic to a base64 string
Component Checker - Verificador de COM ActiveX
A tool helps you explore internal structure of OLE2(ActiveX) document
Event handler management, and parameterized property setters for ActiveX objects in Javascript
Floorplan tagging ActiveX control to be embedded into SAP GUI
Allows you to launch an url with Internet Explorer since launching iexplore.exe now opens Edge
Saraff.AxHost.NET Provides hosting for custom components (.NET) in applications with unmanaged code.
This repository includes all the content and samples that make use of the TeeChart ActiveX product.
Sample code for STU SDK SigCaptX.