synapseslab / android-bluegps-sdk-demoapp

Example applications for BlueGPS Android SDK

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BlueGPS SDK Examples for Android

Official Android Demo App showcases the BlueGPS SDK features and acts as reference implementation for many of the basic SDK features. Getting started requires you setup a license.


The BlueGPS Android SDK is distributed through Jitpack. It can be integrated through gradle, maven as following:


Before you add BlueGPS depencencies, add it in your settings.gradle at the end of repositories

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url = uri("") }

Or if you're using an older project setup, add it in your build.gradle at the end of repositories

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url = uri("") }

Then add the dependency for BlueGPS-SDK in the build.gradle file for your app or module:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.synapseslab:android-bluegps-sdk-demoapp:<version>'

The version corresponds to release version, for example:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.synapseslab:android-bluegps-sdk-demoapp:1.4.2'


Add the JitPack repository to your build file


Then add the dependency


The Tag corresponds to release version, for example: 1.4.2

Getting Started

Your first step is initializing the BlueGPSLib, which is the main entry point for all operations in the library. BlueGPSLib is a singleton: you'll create it once and re-use it across your application.

A best practice is to initialize BlueGPSLib in the Application class:

class App : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
            sdkEnvironment = Environment.sdkEnvironment,
            context = applicationContext,
            enabledNetworkLogs = true

The BlueGSP-SDK use an Environment where integrator have to put SDK data for register the SDK and for create a communication with the BlueGPS Server see the demo app for detail. The management of the environment is demanded to the app.

object Environment {

    private val SDK_ENDPOINT = "{{provided-bluegps-endpoint}}"
    private val SDK_KEY = "{{provided-sdk-key}}"
    private val SDK_SECRET = "{{provided-sdk-secret}}"
    private val APP_ID = "com.synapseslab.demosdk"

    val sdkEnvironment = SdkEnvironment(
        sdkEndpoint = SDK_ENDPOINT,
        appId = APP_ID,
        sdkKey = SDK_KEY,
        sdkSecret = SDK_SECRET,

Sample App

To run the sample app, start by cloning this repo:

git clone

and play with it.



BlueGPS_SDK provides a client for manage authentication and authorization inside your app.

BlueGPS MapView

Search objects

BlueGPSSDK provides some built-in capabilities to search for resources and objects within the backend.

Controllable items API

BlueGPSSDK provides a logic to interact with controllable items exposed by the backend. Controllable items could be anything that can be remote controlled by the application.

Area API

BlueGPSSDK provides some built-in capabilities for rooms and areas.

Use BlueGPS Advertising Service

Server Sent Events

The purpose of diagnostic API is to give an indication to the integrator of the status of the BlueGPS system.

SDK Changelog

Changelog link


Let's see how you can get started with the Android BlueGPS SDK after adding the required dependencies.

Documentation link




Example applications for BlueGPS Android SDK

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 100.0%