Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) is one the simplest and oldest forms of device-to-device digital communication. UART is a serial communication protocol that performs parallel to serial data conversion at the transmitter side and serial to parallel data conversion at the receiver side.
This is a really simple implementation of a UART. It is developed using Quartus Prime Lite and Modelsim.
It runs using a 50MHz clock and is able to operate 8 bits of serial data with 1 start bit and 1 stop bit.
Intel Quartus Prime Lite
Parameter | Value |
Baud Rate | 115200 |
Data Bits | 8-bit |
Parity Bit | None |
Stop Bit | 1-bit |
module uart_rx(
input clk_50M, //top level system clock
input rx, //input serial data
output reg [7:0] rx_msg, //output data byte
output reg rx_complete); //high when data received
module uart_tx(
input clk_50M, //top level system clock
input tx_en, //enable to start sending data
input [7:0] data, //input 8 bit data
output reg tx, //output serial data
output reg tx_done); //high when transmission is done