pyrddlgym-project / pyRDDLGym-jax

JAX compilation of RDDL description files, and a differentiable planner in JAX.

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Author: Mike Gimelfarb

This directory provides:

  1. automated translation and compilation of RDDL description files into the JAX auto-diff library, which allows any RDDL domain to be converted to a differentiable simulator!
  2. powerful, fast, and very scalable gradient-based planning algorithms, with extendible and flexible policy class representations, automatic model relaxations for working in discrete and hybrid domains, and much more!


While Jax planners can support some discrete state/action problems through model relaxations, on some discrete problems it can perform poorly (though there is an ongoing effort to remedy this!). If you find it is not making sufficient progress, check out the PROST planner (for discrete spaces) or the deep reinforcement learning wrappers.



To use the compiler or planner without the automated hyper-parameter tuning, you will need the following packages installed:

  • pyRDDLGym>=2.0
  • tqdm>=4.66
  • jax>=0.4.12
  • optax>=0.1.9
  • dm-haiku>=0.0.10
  • tensorflow>=2.13.0
  • tensorflow-probability>=0.21.0

Additionally, if you wish to run the examples, you need rddlrepository>=2, and run the automated tuning optimization, you will also need bayesian-optimization>=1.4.3.

You can install this package, together with all of its requirements via pip:

pip install rddlrepository pyRDDLGym-jax

Running the Basic Examples

A basic run script is provided to run the Jax Planner on any domain in rddlrepository, provided a config file is available (currently, only a limited subset of configs are provided as examples). The example can be run as follows in a standard shell, from the install directory of pyRDDLGym-jax:

python -m pyRDDLGym_jax.examples.run_plan <domain> <instance> <method> <episodes>


  • domain is the domain identifier as specified in rddlrepository (i.e. Wildfire_MDP_ippc2014), or a path pointing to a valid domain.rddl file
  • instance is the instance identifier (i.e. 1, 2, ... 10), or a path pointing to a valid instance.rddl file
  • method is the planning method to use (i.e. drp, slp, replan)
  • episodes is the (optional) number of episodes to evaluate the learned policy

The method parameter warrants further explanation. Currently we support three possible modes:

  • slp is the basic straight line planner described in this paper
  • drp is the deep reactive policy network described in this paper
  • replan is the same as slp except the plan is recalculated at every decision time step.

A basic run script is also provided to run the automatic hyper-parameter tuning. The structure of this stript is similar to the one above

python -m pyRDDLGym_jax.examples.run_tune <domain> <instance> <method> <trials> <iters> <workers>


  • domain is the domain identifier as specified in rddlrepository (i.e. Wildfire_MDP_ippc2014)
  • instance is the instance identifier (i.e. 1, 2, ... 10)
  • method is the planning method to use (i.e. drp, slp, replan)
  • trials is the (optional) number of trials/episodes to average in evaluating each hyper-parameter setting
  • iters is the (optional) maximum number of iterations/evaluations of Bayesian optimization to perform
  • workers is the (optional) number of parallel evaluations to be done at each iteration, e.g. the total evaluations = iters * workers

For example, copy and pasting the following will train the Jax Planner on the Quadcopter domain with 4 drones:

python -m pyRDDLGym_jax.examples.run_plan Quadcopter 1 slp

After several minutes of optimization, you should get a visualization as follows:

Running from the Python API

You can write a simple script to instantiate and run the planner yourself, if you wish:

import pyRDDLGym
from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.planner import JaxBackpropPlanner, JaxOfflineController

# set up the environment (note the vectorized option must be True)
env = pyRDDLGym.make("domain", "instance", vectorized=True)

# create the planning algorithm
planner = JaxBackpropPlanner(rddl=env.model, **planner_args)
controller = JaxOfflineController(planner, **train_args)

# evaluate the planner
controller.evaluate(env, episodes=1, verbose=True, render=True)


Here, we have used the straight-line (offline) controller, although you can configure the combination of planner and policy representation. All controllers are instances of pyRDDLGym's BaseAgent class, so they support the evaluate() function to streamline interaction with the environment. The **planner_args and **train_args are keyword argument parameters to pass during initialization, but we strongly recommend creating and loading a config file as discussed in the next section.

Writing a Configuration File for a Custom Domain

The simplest way to interface with the Planner for solving a custom problem is to write a configuration file with all the necessary hyper-parameters. The basic structure of a configuration file is provided below for a straight line planning/MPC style planner:

logic_kwargs={'weight': 20}

optimizer_kwargs={'learning_rate': 0.001}


The configuration file contains three sections:

  • [Model] specifies the fuzzy logic operations used to relax discrete operations to differentiable approximations, the weight parameter for example dictates how well the approximation will fit to the true operation, and tnorm specifies the type of fuzzy logic for relacing logical operations in RDDL (e.g. ProductTNorm, GodelTNorm, LukasiewiczTNorm)
  • [Optimizer] generally specify the optimizer and plan settings, the method specifies the plan/policy representation (e.g. JaxStraightLinePlan, JaxDeepReactivePolicy), the SGD optimizer to use from optax, learning rate, batch size, etc.
  • [Training] specifies how long training should proceed, the epochs limits the total number of iterations, while train_seconds limits total training time

For a policy network approach, simply change the configuration file like so:

method_kwargs={'topology': [128, 64]}

which would create a policy network with two hidden layers and ReLU activations.

The configuration file can then be passed to the planner during initialization. For example, the previous script here can be modified to set parameters from a config file as follows:

from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.planner import load_config

# load the config file with planner settings
planner_args, _, train_args = load_config("/path/to/config.cfg")
# create the planning algorithm
planner = JaxBackpropPlanner(rddl=env.model, **planner_args)
controller = JaxOfflineController(planner, **train_args)

Changing the pyRDDLGym Simulation Backend to JAX

The JAX compiler can be used as a backend for simulating and evaluating RDDL environments, instead of the usual pyRDDLGym one:

import pyRDDLGym
from pyRDDLGym.core.policy import RandomAgent
from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.simulator import JaxRDDLSimulator

# create the environment
env = pyRDDLGym.make("domain", "instance", backend=JaxRDDLSimulator)

# evaluate the random policy
agent = RandomAgent(action_space=env.action_space,
agent.evaluate(env, verbose=True, render=True)

For some domains, the JAX backend could perform better than the numpy-based one, due to various compiler optimizations. In any event, the simulation results using the JAX backend should match exactly those of the numpy-based backend.

Computing the Model Gradients Manually

For custom applications, it is desirable to compute gradients of the model that can be optimized downstream. Fortunately, we provide a very convenient function for compiling the transition/step function P(s, a, s') of the environment into JAX.

import pyRDDLGym
from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.planner import JaxRDDLCompilerWithGrad

# set up the environment
env = pyRDDLGym.make("domain", "instance", vectorized=True)

# create the step function
compiled = JaxRDDLCompilerWithGrad(rddl=env.model)
step_fn = compiled.compile_transition()

This will return a JAX compiled (pure) function that requires 4 arguments:

  • key is the jax.random.PRNGKey key for reproducible randomness
  • actions is the dictionary of action fluent JAX tensors
  • subs is the dictionary of state-fluent and non-fluent JAX tensors
  • model_params are the parameters of the differentiable relaxations, such as weight

The function returns a dictionary containing a variety of variables, such as updated pvariables including next-state fluents (pvar), reward obtained (reward), error codes (error). It is thus possible to apply any JAX transformation to the output of the function, such as computing gradient using jax.grad() or batched simulation using jax.vmap().

Compilation of entire rollouts is possible by calling the compile_rollouts function, and providing a policy implementation that maps states (jax tensors) and tunable policy parameters to actions. An example is provided to illustrate how you can define your own policy class and compute the return gradient manually.

Citing pyRDDLGym-jax

The main ideas of this approach are discussed in the following preprint:

      title={pyRDDLGym: From RDDL to Gym Environments},
      author={Taitler, Ayal and Gimelfarb, Michael and Gopalakrishnan, Sriram and Mladenov, Martin and Liu, Xiaotian and Sanner, Scott},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.05939},

Many of the implementation details discussed come from the following literature, which you may wish to cite in your research papers: