oiramu / cheetah-engine

OpenGL Java 3D Game Engine

Repository from Github https://github.comoiramu/cheetah-engineRepository from Github https://github.comoiramu/cheetah-engine


Cheetah Engine (Java - OpenGL)

Welcome to the Cross-Platform 3D Engine. As OpenGL Binding for Java the LWJGL API is used.

About the engine:

Cheetah engine has been writed with Java with the usage of the OpenGL API libraries: LWJGL and slick-utils. It make use of the modern coding and rendering structure for a more expandable and friendly end.

This game engine as well as Auschwitz is currently in developement, so we will keep expanding it as the game need it, thats why we will keep updating every once need it.

The engine is free to use and upgrade, extend or modify so feel free to add, extend or upgrade code and all of your creation will be protected if you follow the code extension licence down below.

About Auschwitz:

Auschwitz its an FPS based on world war II taking place at one of the concentration camp of Auschwitz, its inspired on those old school 90's FPS on their gameplay as well as their asthetic putting together with modern gameplay and visual desing.

About the licence and usage:

All of the current base code and resources belong to cheetah software, the default game assets are protected, but feel free to use them, also make your own if you wan't to. The engine has been shared using the Apache licence 2.0 so check it out at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

If you get to extend, upgrade or modify the base engine, feel free to be the owner of such additions. If you want to publish a game with our engine please be sure to add our name as yours as owners of the original code and any extension of this in the header of the classes and in the final program, and also write us, we'll be glad to see your work ;).

For more information check the in code documentation of the engine.

If you have any problems with the engine code or documentation please don't forget to write the issue.

System requirements

  • OS: Windows, MacOS, Linux
  • IDE: Eclipse
  • Java: 1.8 and above
  • OpenGL: 2.1 and above


  • Carlos Rodriguez : initial work


OpenGL Java 3D Game Engine

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 98.1%Language:GLSL 1.9%