navidadelpour / line-follower-robot

Line follower robot with PID controller in Arduino

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Line Follower Robot

This Arduino project provides a modularized approach for controlling a robot using PID-based line following with sensor feedback.


1. Motors

  • Attributes:

    • normal_speed: Normal speed of the motors.
    • min_speed: Minimum allowable speed.
    • max_speed: Maximum allowable speed.
    • Pins for left and right motor control (left_in1, left_in2, left_en, right_in1, right_in2, right_en).
  • Methods:

    • initialize(): Sets up the motor control pins.
    • set_motor(int in1, int in2, int en, int speed): Controls individual motors.
    • get_direction(int speed): Determines motor direction.
    • normalize_speed(int speed): Ensures speed stays within defined limits.
    • drive(int speed_difference, bool debug): Drives the robot with a speed difference between left and right motors.

2. PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) Controller

  • Attributes:

    • KP: Proportional gain.
    • KI: Integral gain.
    • KD: Derivative gain.
    • last_proportional, integral: Trackers for PID calculations.
  • Methods:

    • calculate_speed_difference(int proportional): Computes the speed difference using PID control.

3. Sensors

  • Attributes:

    • threshold: Threshold value for line detection.
    • sensors_count: Number of sensors.
    • sensor_pins: Array of pins for individual sensors.
    • errors: Array of error values corresponding to different line positions.
    • previous_error: Tracks the previous error value.
  • Methods:

    • calculate_error(): Calculates the error based on sensor readings.
    • on_line(int sensor_pin): Checks if a sensor is on the line.
    • get_line_position(): Determines the position of the line based on sensor readings.


User-configurable settings for threshold, sensor count, sensor pins, errors, motor speeds, PID gains, debugging, and delay time.


  1. Initialize Components:

    • Set up motor control and serial communication.
    • Adjust PID and sensor settings.
  2. Main Loop:

    • Continuously calculate sensor error.
    • Use PID controller to determine speed difference.
    • Drive the motors accordingly.
  3. Debugging:

    • Optionally print error and speed difference values to Serial for debugging purposes.


Line follower robot with PID controller in Arduino


Language:C++ 100.0%