namiwijeuom / 32-Bit-Non-Pipelined-Single-Cycle-Processor

This is a project currently doing under the module EN3021 Digital System Design, Semester 5, Department of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Repository from Github https://github.comnamiwijeuom/32-Bit-Non-Pipelined-Single-Cycle-ProcessorRepository from Github https://github.comnamiwijeuom/32-Bit-Non-Pipelined-Single-Cycle-Processor


  • This is a project currently doing under the module EN3021 Digital System Design, Semester 5, Department of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Processor design and implementation on a FPGA : Project with 3 stages and Stage 1 is the individual project.

Stage 1 (Individual): 32 bit non-pipelined RISC-V processor using Micropramming with 3 bus structure. This is RV32I implementation.

It is required to implement the following classes of instructions:

  1. All computational instructions covered by instruction types R and I.
  2. All memory access instructions (load and store) - I and S type instructions
  3. All Control Flow instructions : SB type



This is a project currently doing under the module EN3021 Digital System Design, Semester 5, Department of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.


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