*A omnidirectional (four mechanum wheels ) drive plugin for gazebo. Based on the diffdrive plugin and planar move plugin.
*The planar move used includes an interesting correction made by F.M. Rico https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/pull/1504/commits in 2023
*The plugin is partially operative It computes de Fk and IK and uses a simplified velocity controller for the wheels if used. tf broadcasting of wheels is made by default.
*Although the plugin code uses only the gazebo_ros_omni_drive.(cpp,hpp) files, the repo also includes the sources used for the plugin implementation.
prof.: Miguel Hernando (2023)
cd src/
git clone https://github.com/mhernando/gz_rosa_control.git
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src/gz_rosa_control -y --ignore-src
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.sh
sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-dev
sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-msgs
sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-ros
The figure shows the main parameters needed for the similation of omnidirectional drive and also de used conventions.
- commandTopic: Twist topic used as input
- odometryTopic: topic where publish the odometry data
- odometryFrame: the TF frame for odometry
- odometryRate: (double) Odometry frecuency update [Hz]
- robotBaseFrame: base frame of the robot
- wheel_radius: All the 4 wheels have the same radius [meters]
- base_lenght: (check figure) distance between front and rear wheels [meters]
- base_width: (check figure) distance between left and right wheels [meters]
- front_left_joint: joint name of the rotational joint of the referenced wheel
- rear_left_joint: joint name of the rotational joint of the referenced wheel
- front_right_wheel: joint name of the rotational joint of the referenced wheel
- rear_right_wheel: joint name of the rotational joint of the referenced wheel
- wheel_max_speed: maximun allowed ratational speed [rad/sec]
- wheel_acceleration: angular acceleration of the wheel [rad/sec^2]
- joint_config: a string with 4 integer values (1 or -1). Correction of the joint rotational direction. Its useful to allow the use of the same wheel component for all the wheels but controlling them with a virtual angular velocity. Internally, de FK and the IK, consider a positive velocity of the wheels when they try to move the robot forward.
<plugin name="rosa_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_omni_drive.so">
<wheel_max_speed> 20.0 </wheel_max_speed>
<wheel_acceleration> 10.0</wheel_acceleration>
<joint_config>1 1 -1 -1</joint_config>