matthiaskonrath / rc4-verilog

EXPERIMENTAL Verilog (and HLS, C++, Python, OpenCL) implementation of the RC4 stream cipher.

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RC4 - Verilog

EXPERIMENTAL Verilog (and HLS, C++, Python) implementation of the RC4 stream cipher.

General information (pure verilog implementation)

  • 115MHz speed was achived on the Nexys 4 (xc7a100tcsg324-1)
    • WNS=0.008 / TNS=0.0ns / WHS=0.085ns / THS=0.0ns
    • Total On-Chip Power: ~0.234W
  • ~500 cycles after the reset, encrypted output gets generated
  • Every cycle one byte gets encrypted
  • To use the RC4 block as an cheap PRNG just put a 8'b00 into the PLAIN_BYTE_IN

Verilog resource utilization on Nexys 4 (xc7a100tcsg324-1)

(This inlcudes the test code from controller.v)

Resource Utilization Available Utilization (%)
LUT 11719 63400 18.48
FF 2609 126800 2.06
BUFG 2 32 6.25

HLS resource utilization on Nexys 4 (xc7a100tcsg324-1)

(This inlcudes the test code from controller.v)

Resource Utilization Available Utilization (%)
LUT 432 63400 0.68
LUTRAM 15 19000 0.08
FF 445 126800 0.35
BRAM 0.50 135 0.37
BUFG 2 32 6.25

Speed tests

Implementation Device Frequency Speed (Mbit/s) Speed (MB/s) Optimizations Source
Verilog Nexys 4 ~115 MHz ~920 Mbit/s ~115 MB/s optimized implementation this repository
C++ i7-8665U unknown ~920 Mbit/s ~115 MB/s not optimized / single threaded this repository
Assembly i5-3230M unknown ~188 Mbit/s ~23 MB/s optimized implementation
HLS (C++) Nexys 4 ~200 MHz ~160 Mbit/s ~20 MB/s optimized implementation this repository
Python i7-8665U unknown ~32 Mbit/s ~4 MB/s not optimized / single threaded this repository
OpenCL Quadro P520 unknown ~24 Mbit/s ~3 MB/s not optimized / single threaded this repository
OpenSSL Apple M1 unknown - ~900 MB/s 16 byte blocks OpenSSL
OpenSSL Apple M1 unknown - ~1.1 GB/s 16384 byte blocks OpenSSL

Implementation information

For details see rc4_tb.v or controller.v


rc4 rc4_interface(
    .CLK_IN(CLK),                       // Clock input
    .RESET_N_IN(RESET_N),               // Active low reset line
    .KEY_SIZE_IN(KEY_SIZE),             // Key size in bytes
    .KEY_BYTE_IN(KEY_BYTE),             // During the setup the key is transfared byte by byte via this register
    .PLAIN_BYTE_IN(PLAIN_BYTE),         // During the normal operation every cycle one plaintext byte is transfared via this register for encryption (for PRNG operation just set 8'h00 as input)
    .START_IN(START),                   // One positive clock cycle on this register signals the RC4 module that it should start the setup process
    .STOP_IN(STOP),                     // One positive clock cycle on this register signals the RC4 module that it should stop (reset --> return to IDLE)
    .HOLD_IN(HOLD),                     // As long as this register is pulled high no further encryption / PRNG generation happens (waites for a low signal)
    .START_KEY_CPY_OUT(START_KEY_CPY),  // During the setup this wire gets pulled to high for one clock cycle to indicate the start of the key transfare to the RC4 module
    .BUSY_OUT(BUSY),                    // If the RC4 module is not in IDLE this signal is pulled to high
    .READ_PLAINTEXT_OUT(READ_PLAINTEXT),// After the setup is complete, this wire gets pulled to high for one clock cycle to indicate the start of the normal operation (if a plaintext should be encrypted it now needs to be placed into the PLAIN_BYTE register one byte after the other every clock cycle)
    .ENC_BYTE_OUT(ENC_BYTE)             // One clock cycle after the plaintext byte was put into the PLAIN_BYTE register the encrypted byte needs to be copied from the ENC_BYTE register

Key Transfare Code

always @(posedge CLK) begin
    if (START_KEY_CPY || key_counter) begin
        if (key_counter == KEY_SIZE) begin
            key_counter <= 0;
            KEY_BYTE <= 8'b00;
        end else begin
            key_counter <= key_counter +1;
            KEY_BYTE <= KEY[key_counter];

Plaintext Transfare Code (stops after the counter overflows or the plaintext size is reached)

always @(posedge CLK) begin
    if (READ_PLAINTEXT || plain_counter) begin
        if (plain_counter == PLAINTEXT_SIZE) begin
            plain_counter <= 0;
            PLAIN_BYTE <= 8'b00;
        end else begin
            plain_counter <= plain_counter +1;
            PLAIN_BYTE <= PLAINTEXT[plain_counter];

Ciphertext Transfare Code (stops after the counter overflows or the plaintext / ciphertext size is reached)

always @(posedge CLK) begin
    if (plain_counter == 2 || cipher_counter) begin
        CAPTURED_CIPHERTEXT[cipher_counter] <= ENC_BYTE;
        if (cipher_counter == PLAINTEXT_SIZE-1)
            cipher_counter <= 0;
            cipher_counter <= cipher_counter +1;

Useful links

RC4 FPGA Papers (my implementations is faster, but far less efficient from an resource perspective)


EXPERIMENTAL Verilog (and HLS, C++, Python, OpenCL) implementation of the RC4 stream cipher.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 83.1%Language:Tcl 9.5%Language:Verilog 6.6%Language:Python 0.5%Language:C 0.3%