igor-lirussi / baxter-python3

Introduction to Baxter and code Baxter with Python3!

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Baxter Python 3

Code Baxter with Python3!


Useful port of baxter interface to control your Baxter with Python 3. If you need an introductive tutorial on baxter checkout this Baxter introduction


  • Baxter Robot
  • Human Robot Interaction
  • Python 3



Requirements & Dependencies

everything should be already installed if you are running in the robot, for running it on your pc you need:

  • Python 3
  • rospy
  • opencv

Install in your repository

  • add this repo in your repo: git submodule add git@github.com:igor-lirussi/baxter-python3.git

  • if you want to check for updates of the submodule: git submodule update --remote

  • import the baxter python3 interface in your code. Since it's in a subfolder, you can use the import shown in the "Run" section below.

  • remember to tell users to clone your repo with --recurse-submodules: git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/your_name/your_repo

  • if a user clones without --recurse-submodules will find the empty folder, download the submodules with git submodule init and git submodule update

For example, this is a repo that uses this module


#import baxter.py interface from the repository submodule
import importlib

import rospy
robot = baxter.BaxterRobot(arm="left")
#move robot
robot.move_to_joint_position({"left_s0": 1.0})
robot.move_to_joint_position({"left_s0": -1.0})
#get position of hand
p = robot._endpoint_state.pose.position
q = robot._endpoint_state.pose.orientation
#instead of the blocking
#msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/limb/left/endpoint_state", EndpointState)
#p = msg.pose.position
#q = msg.pose.orientation

check the examples for more.


Some examples are available in the folder to demonstrate some capabilities:

  • robotStateFalse.py to put both arms in normal position and deactivate the motors
  • example_moving.py for moving the joints
  • example_inverse_kinematics.py for moving the joints given a target point
  • example_joystick_keyboard.py for moving the robot with keyboard, given a target point
  • example_grippers.py to use the grippers
  • example_ir_arm_distance.py for getting the infrared distance between grippen and object
  • example_take_pic.py for getting the camera video in the hands and to take pictures with the button (useful to create a dataset of images of objects you are working on).
  • example_cartesian_space_recorder.py to record trajectories in cartesian (task-space) and also joints poistion (joint space). Visualize with visualizer_cartesian_trajectories.py
  • example_cartesian_space_playback.py to play trajectories in cartesian (task-space) and also joints poistion (joint space).

Useful Resources & Extra

Face expressions

This code repo, if imported in your project, allows you to give different facial expression to Baxter robot.

Useful to warn the people around of the movements that are about to happen, looking at the place before moving the joints.

import importlib

#set looking direction
face._set_look(robot, "down")

#or display a face
face._set_face(robot, "left_down")

{% include_cached snippets/masonry.html internal="gallery" %}


  • Igor Lirussi @ BOUN Boğaziçi University - CoLoRs (Cognitive Learning and Robotics) Lab
  • Alper Ahmetoglu @ BOUN Boğaziçi University - CoLoRs (Cognitive Learning and Robotics) Lab
  • Deniz Bilge Akkoç @ BOUN Boğaziçi University - CoLoRs (Cognitive Learning and Robotics) Lab


  • All the people that contributed with suggestions and tips.


This project is licensed - see the LICENSE file for details.


Introduction to Baxter and code Baxter with Python3!


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%