hgb-bin-proteomics / MaXLinker_extensions

Extensions for better usability of the cross-linking tool MaXLinker.

Repository from Github https://github.comhgb-bin-proteomics/MaXLinker_extensionsRepository from Github https://github.comhgb-bin-proteomics/MaXLinker_extensions

MaXLinker Extensions

Extensions for better usability of the cross-linking tool MaXLinker.


MaXLinker requires Python 3.7 (any of the 3.7.xx but not higher or lower than 3.7) and the extension script additionally require pandas and xlsxwriter.

MaXLinker FASTA file converter

A script to re-format fasta files to be usable with MaXLinker.
maxlinkerFastaFormatter.py f [f ...]
                             [-o OUTPUT]
positional arguments:
  f                     Fasta file to process, if second filename
                        is given it will be used as the output name!
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Name of the output file.
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Example usage:

python maxlinkerFastaFormatter.py human_proteome.fasta -o human_proteome_maxlinker.fasta

MaXLinker crosslink grouper

A script to group crosslinks from MaXLinker results files by sequence and position.
maxlinkerSeqAndPosGrouper.py f [f ...]
                               [-o OUTPUT]
                               [-xlmod CROSSLINKER_MODIFICATION]
positional arguments:
  f                     MaXLinker result file to process, if second filename
                        is given it will be used as the output name!
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Name of the output file.
                        Residue that the Crosslinker binds to e.g. K for DSSO.
                        It's also possible to specify multiple residues e.g.
                        KSTY for DSSO if you want to consider all possible links
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Example Usage:

python maxlinkerSeqAndPosGrouper.py my_results_uniq.tsv -o results_grouped

MaXLinker to IMP-X-FDR converter

The main purpose of this script is to convert MaXLinker output files to MS Annika format - which are usable with the IMP-X-FDR tool. This way MaXLinker can be benchmarked on synthetic peptide libraries.

A script to convert MaXLinker *.tsv result files to MS Annika format as
Microsoft Excel worksheets for usage with IMP-X-FDR (v1.1.0).
maxlinkerToAnnikaResultConverter.py f [f ...]
                                      [-o OUTPUT]
                                      [-xl CROSSLINKER]
                                      [-xlmod CROSSLINKER_MODIFICATION]
                                      [-mod MODIFICATIONS]
positional arguments:
  f                     MaXLinker result file to process, if second filename
                        is given it will be used as the output name!
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Name of the output file.
  -xl CROSSLINKER, --crosslinker CROSSLINKER
                        Name of the Crosslinker e.g. DSSO.
                        Residue that the Crosslinker binds to e.g. K for DSSO.
                        It's also possible to specify multiple residues e.g.
                        KSTY for DSSO if you want to consider all possible links
                        Modifications as dictionary string / in json format.
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Example Usage:

python maxlinkerToAnnikaResultConverter.py my_results_uniq.tsv -o my_results_converted -xl DSSO -xlmod KSTY -mod "{\"M\": \"Oxidation\", \"C\": \"Carbamidomethyl\"}"


If you are using one of the MaXLinker extension scripts please cite:

MS Annika 2.0 Identifies Cross-Linked Peptides in MS2–MS3-Based Workflows at High Sensitivity and Specificity
Micha J. Birklbauer, Manuel Matzinger, Fränze Müller, Karl Mechtler, and Viktoria Dorfer
Journal of Proteome Research 2023 22 (9), 3009-3021
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00325


MIT License




Extensions for better usability of the cross-linking tool MaXLinker.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%